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Everything posted by grawk

  1. As a passive observer, I'd say there is only one stat that matters for quarterbacks, and is what should be used to rank them: Wins. I'd say superbowl wins should count more than playoff wins which should count more than regular season wins, but however you count em, football isn't a sport about statistics. It's a team sport where there's a winner and a loser.
  2. Ok, I'm listening to the pico with my new to me HD600s with stock cable. It works very well, and I'd say it's a good option. I'm not the most critical of listeners, but listening to dire straits, it's got good imaging and depth, the dynamics and PRaT seem appropriate, and the sound is clear and forceful. I remain impressed by this amazing little device. So I'll stand by what I said earlier, that I'd recommend the duet for fixed location or transportable use with a mac if you have use for full sized line outs or will use the line ins. Using the built in headphone amps, my preference is slightly towards the pico. I haven't done any level matching at this point, although I will later. I'll also feed the m3 with both and do a comparison. But really, you can't go wrong with either, so the obvious choice is high end IN and OUT vs OMG SMALL. Both sound great.
  3. week 1 - units sold 511 br, 489 hd week 2 - units sold 925 br, 74 hd
  4. 1 is unity or no gain. 0 is no signal. X * GAIN = Y
  5. I really like the odysseys. But any bike battery I leave on a trickle charger when not being ridden for more than a couple days.
  6. duet: needle drop, full sized connections, bus powered pico: tiny, even with the power supply They both sound great with grados and etys. but if you dn't have a use for the adc, and mostly want portability, the pico wins. The power supply doesn't make anywhere near enough difference compared to the size of the duet.
  7. Happy birthday to you and matt!
  8. $125 for a 4x8' sheet of 3/4" ply? OUCH. I'm glad I get lumber for free.
  9. That's called negotiation.
  10. Boils down to IC is the only real way to find out what current market conditions are. No matter what people paid in the past, it was for gear in the past. Most of that stuff doesn't sell every day, so you have to figure out what the buyers shopping now are looking for. If you come to a price agreement, then you sell. Otherwise, you don't.
  11. I'd say $350 for serious on the hf1s, and yah, $160 on the k501s.
  12. I'm comparing the headphone out on the minidac to the one on the duet. The duet is world's better. I didn't like the headphone out on the minidac. Note however, that I'm talking about using my ears, and my grados.
  13. The k501s have been selling for about $160 or so, I believe, but I sold mine years ago for $135. The HF1s have been selling for about $185, which is pretty good, only lost $20 in 4 years. I'll send payment for them asap, what's your paypal? The others, I have no idea.
  14. I have never made a serious post about the bose, and have never mentioned the ESW9 prior to right this second. So, my only contribution to this thread was to say you're acting like that guy with the stick in his ass. I continue to believe that.
  15. I think I do. Unfortunately, I sold the minidac, so I can't compare directly. But the headphone out is 1000000% better. And I think I do prefer the duet to the minidac. But when you include the cost, I 100% prefer the duet. $480 AD/DA vs $750 DA, no contest. Especially when other people buy them and make needledrops
  16. Seems to me that "sounds worse" is more accurate for phil collins...
  17. I haven't expressed an opinion on the gear. I'm not interested in the category even. But you're showing up talking like we should bow before you.
  18. Apple made it so apogee only had to worry about the quality of the converters, and handled everything else for them. Saved them a lot in development costs. The result is unbelievable. It's cheaper to buy a duet + a mac mini than to buy anything else comparable without the mac.
  19. If you haven't sent the hd600s yet, don't. I am buying a set . The zachypoo cable on the other hand, send up
  20. It's like you want people to think of you as that guy walking around with a stick in his ass.
  21. Todd's Philips is probably in your ballpark, and a big switch from the meridian
  22. Just for fun, try this experiment. Open the 24 bit recording in a sound editor, aligning the file so that the loudest point in the performance is at 0dB. Then convert it to 16bit with dither. See if you can tell the difference
  23. grawk

    slow forum

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5uw07iEkjU]YouTube - Bill Gates' Farewell - Microsoft at CES 2008[/ame]
  24. grawk

    slow forum

  25. Sure, I can add that to my review
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