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Everything posted by grawk

  1. it definitely matters on the coffee and roast type for how long it takes to get to ideal and when that drops off.
  2. The penalty for illiteracy is a one week time out, so he may not reply for a bit
  3. stop reporting posts. if you don’t like how you’re treated here you’re free to leave.
  4. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fwEAz2hAXSNwIfFTTsbz_ce4g8zhBLut?usp=sharing
  5. Ryan Adams and the Cardinals Don Was is a brilliant bass player.
  6. happy birthday brent! You should definitely have a biscuit today, the rest of the world be damned
  7. fingers crossed dusty
  8. how is that related to dan clark audio?
  9. The question is are you a shill for topping for free, or do they pay you?
  10. saw the Taj Mahal Quartet in a small theater in knoxville last night. It was fantastic. If my recording turned out I'll post it soon. https://archive.org/details/tm-20230416.4015gs.d-01t-16
  11. i have a candidate for my next coffee sale. it’s a rwandan that i’m getting blueberry out of. it’s not the immediate buy from me the last one was but i’m hopeful for how the week after roasting will turn out
  12. if it’s the same motor as the niche zero, it won’t be powerful enough. it already bogs down on light roasts.
  13. moved to diy
  14. that’s essentially what the decent machine is
  15. i bet if you asked them your family would happily replace you with a new espresso machine.
  16. Happy birth!
  17. isn’t that how you find dates?
  18. Happy Birth!
  19. I’ve been using the new grinder for 2 days now. I haven’t compared it directly to the niche, I’ve just put it into my morning routine. It took 1 shot to dial it in, and since then, I’ve been quite happy. With my coffee (brazilian medium roast) 18.5 g in 40 g out from my Brezzera Strega lever machine I’ve been quite happy.
  20. 14 years later. This might be a record
  21. lights are for pussies
  22. It's always kayaking season, I've gone 6 times so far this year...
  23. I just bought the fellow opus to compare to the niche zero. Hopefully the niche will be for sale soon.
  24. happy birthday!
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