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Everything posted by grawk

  1. https://www.acousta.at/?lang=en this looks interesting
  2. from scratch chicken and dumplings
  3. spaghetti al’assassina with little caesar’s bread sticks we had left over
  4. The duet is firewire, so you'd just nee the the thunderbolt to firewire adapter, and the thunderbolt to thunderbolt 3/4 adapter. I have all the parts, I should validate that it works with current revisions of macOS
  5. I don't have any experience with anything newer than the apogee element, but I'd be surprised if the quality of their conversion has gone downhill as technology improves. I know they make the Boom for $250 which seems to be a step up from the old duets for windows, Mac, and IOS with usb c.
  6. Hope life is treating you well. Catch lots more tiny fish!
  7. a moment between a brother and sister, who also happen to be among the best kayakers in the world. The sister had just come in 3rd in the world among women, and the brother was about to come in first for men.
  8. you seem to get sent to all the prime spots
  9. from friday: Drivin N Cryin' https://archive.org/details/DrivinNCryin?query=date:2023-10-06* From 10/1 Molly Tuttle https://archive.org/details/mt-20231001.4015gs https://archive.org/details/mt-20231001.kk-14 Phoebe Hunt, the opener: https://archive.org/details/phoebe-hunt-4015gs-mastered Spafford, 9/20: https://archive.org/details/Spafford?query=date:2023-09-20* Rossdafareye, the opener: https://archive.org/details/rossdafareye-knox-bijou-dpa-4015gs Billy Strings, 8/24: https://archive.org/details/billystrings2023-08-24.4017vl Cracker, 7/22 https://archive.org/details/Cracker?query=date:2023-07-22* Ryan Adams and the Cardinals, 6/5 https://archive.org/details/RA230605.4015gs
  10. Molly Tuttle and Golden Highway with Phoebe Hunt opening
  11. Spafford at the Bijou in Knoxville
  12. i also agree. goodbye
  13. https://archive.org/details/billystrings2023-08-24.4017vl Saw Billy Strings last night at the Knoxville Coliseum. Crowd was obnoxious but the show was brilliant.
  14. hopefully he has stock
  15. I went again to get you matching funds
  16. I don't have words this year. Miss you Matt.
  17. I chipping in a bit
  18. Black Flag. not recording this time
  19. Happy Birthday Toddy
  20. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SWVUdd5aJL7K-H4E4No_ja_lQghY8kxS
  21. cracker, the 90s alt rock band that used to be camper van beethoven they’re now about 50% country. And did Euro trash girl as a country song.
  22. I found another blueberry bomb. Yemen: Mocca Mattari, Sana’a Governorate from Coffee Bean Corral It's very yummy. I have another one that I have more of to try roasting next. If that one turns out well, I'll offer it for sale.
  23. I also had one of those, for concert recording
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