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Everything posted by grawk

  1. Helped some friends go from this: to this
  2. *consults historical record* the black and white movie said to respond "stay cool daddy o"
  3. it's the whole forum's duty.
  4. grawk


    in other words, boomers bought a lot of guitars, and are dying now, and there aren't as many GenXers buying expensive guitars to pretend they're in the stones. There's still a market for good guitars, but brand means less, and the over all market is somewhat smaller.
  5. I didn't realize colin was going back into riding
  6. https://smile.amazon.com/Bottelsen-Hammer-Tungsten-Gorilla-Diameter/dp/B004FJEXFK/ref=sr_1_17?s=leisure-sports-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1498087004&sr=1-17&keywords=tungsten+darts&refinements=p_n_feature_keywords_browse-bin%3A4562578011
  7. Richard Wright dying made any hope of recreating old pink floyd possible, so Waters or Gilmore solo efforts are pretty much the only option for new Floyd these days. And since they haven't REALLY been floyd since Barrett got committed anyway...
  8. some pictures that others posted from the parade that seemed relevant:
  9. That's mine
  10. Marched in the Knoxville pride parade with my family and some local libertarians.
  11. family drove up today, so I was getting dinner ready for when they arrived
  12. It was pretty tasty
  13. I live in an older townhouse, and have lived in a few others. Sound isolation should be fine, but it depends on what the firewalls are like between them. Perhaps you should (since it's your parents place) take your setup over, and try it out, and ask the neighbors if it bothers them? Otherwise, if you don't want the yard, it's a pretty good option.
  14. get the ipad pro and use it as a second screen for the macbook.
  15. I have a preference for things that are objectively not better, too.
  16. especially if they're holding up english food as a pinnacle of culinary achievement
  17. I'd go i5 and 8gb, for battery life
  18. I wouldn't think the usbc would be a limitation when compared to an ipad pro
  19. firefly was so poorly executed tho.
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