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Everything posted by grawk

  1. Espresso roast beans in a French press won’t taste like espresso . But I’m sure it’ll be good.
  2. grawk

    Kitty Talk

    that's a very stark kitty
  3. Sriracha. And chipotle cheddar
  4. i don't know that he'd do better than the regular apple earbuds at that price range, if he's specifically excluding IEMs. Otherwise the KZs that brent recommended are pretty good, and $20.
  5. Software quit supporting auto join messages about 5 years ago
  6. that bike in sparkle blue is the bike my dad had when I was a kid. Very cool
  7. I'm tempted to mix boudin in with ground beef for a burger at some point.
  8. my dad used to own a vmax. Those were frightening. Super fast, amazingly shitty handling.
  9. Throes cables look like the normal iem cables used by Westone and others
  10. I like fluted with oyster
  11. that tudor gmt is awesome
  12. I have the bicolor version. I like it.
  13. the windmill Antonio is tilting out went away, he's not crazy
  14. I should ride this weekend
  15. Smoked burgers
  16. Brisket cheesiladas
  17. that looks awesome
  18. I found sweet corn in tn, and had to break in that particular use for my new grill...I also made chicken wings and burgers.
  19. Happy birthday. Hope life is treating you well.
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