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Everything posted by grawk

  1. Espresso roast beans in a French press won’t taste like espresso . But I’m sure it’ll be good.
  2. grawk

    Kitty Talk

    that's a very stark kitty
  3. Sriracha. And chipotle cheddar
  4. i don't know that he'd do better than the regular apple earbuds at that price range, if he's specifically excluding IEMs. Otherwise the KZs that brent recommended are pretty good, and $20.
  5. Software quit supporting auto join messages about 5 years ago
  6. that bike in sparkle blue is the bike my dad had when I was a kid. Very cool
  7. I'm tempted to mix boudin in with ground beef for a burger at some point.
  8. my dad used to own a vmax. Those were frightening. Super fast, amazingly shitty handling.
  9. Throes cables look like the normal iem cables used by Westone and others
  10. I like fluted with oyster
  11. that tudor gmt is awesome
  12. I have the bicolor version. I like it.
  13. the windmill Antonio is tilting out went away, he's not crazy
  14. I should ride this weekend
  15. Smoked burgers
  16. Brisket cheesiladas
  17. that looks awesome
  18. I found sweet corn in tn, and had to break in that particular use for my new grill...I also made chicken wings and burgers.
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