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Everything posted by grawk

  1. I'd be glad to perform a justified comparison of the headphones in question. Please send a pair of each to me, along with a retainer of $10,000 US.
  2. DORIS the Destroyer
  3. maple sugar candy
  4. I bet you could still find a friendly judge
  5. no, I just have to type them so often I've gotten fast at it.
  6. http://www.innerfidelity.com http://www.head-fi.org http://lmgtfy.com/?q=headphone+recommendations+for+someone+with+a+big+head
  7. because otherwise he can have you forcibly remanded to the care of the state
  8. you'll have to buy a more piratey patch
  9. 4 calling birds
  10. grawk

    Merry Christmas

  11. oh ok meyer line arrays
  12. maggie 3.7s
  13. grawk


    http://moofi.woot.com/moofi/thehorrorthehorror 17" acer laptop for $384 shipped
  14. prime rib is why god lets us kill cows
  15. http://www.innerfidelity.com http://www.amazon.com http://www.head-fi.org
  16. Audio? Hell, this is a liquor forum... Ya ya, talk to me in april.
  17. prime rib
  18. happy birthday dirty frenchy
  19. Have a good one, everyone
  20. I agree with that assessment, other than the cookies part, which I don't have any of.
  21. Woodford Reserve Rye old vs new cask
  22. DORIS The Destroyer
  23. a hard drive shouldn't require drivers, as it needs to be used long before the operating system gets involved.
  24. happy birthday!
  25. I had a healthy pour of stagg to fend off this cold.
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