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Everything posted by grawk

  1. along with computers and telephones
  2. exact,y whats in the link in my signature
  3. Luther, a BBC cop show with a few interesting twists
  4. when you joined, you got a PM. Please reread it, or click the link in my signature.
  5. The best amp for the K1000 bass lite version is a balanced sr71a with really fat cables to let the bass through.
  6. kirkland brand mac n cheese
  7. I think it's safe to say, that whether or not any given phone has a backdoor intentionally installed or not, they're vulnerable to similar things. I went to a presentation by someone in a position to know, and he demonstrated just how easy it was to exploit the iphone, and assured us that all phones were similarly easy. Then add to that the technology available to governments, and you can further assume that any computer not being used in a secure environment (SCIF) is easily able to be monitored. The upshot is you shouldn't put anything in email that would be devastating if it became public. Ever.
  8. The warning sign is your welcome pm.
  9. red and blue look great together if you're tripping
  10. my wife used a sling
  11. who cares if it has features you don't need, if it has features you do need (like good sound) Anyway, the dac is apparently much improved, plus it's USB and not firewire, so you actually could use it on the air. The steinberg is a usb version of the MR816CSX
  12. For $600 you definitely should get the duet 2. By all reports, it's fucking fantastic. Then you can report back here and let us know what you think. Or stretch the budget a bit and get a Steinberg UR824. Also, report back on that when you do, because that's on my "to purchase soon" list. After I quit investing in stupid synthesizer gear.
  13. grawk

    Apogee ONE

    So reportedly the apogee one is compliant, and works on the ipad, and under linux.
  14. Beanie weanie Mac
  15. grawk


    Today's woot is a toshiba 10" tablet running honeycomb for $279 http://www.woot.com
  16. grawk


    http://moofi.woot.com/moofi/retailempowerment iMac i5 Quad Core 2.5ghz 21.5" for $1055 shipped
  17. Of the choices listed, I'd say get a stax omega with an original T2 amplifier and call it a day.
  18. Continued in
  19. alaska state troopers lie to me was a great series, I was sad to see it go
  20. How's the silk porter? I'm having more of their doris double oatmeal raisin imperial stout right now
  21. I'd personally use (actually I DO personally use) different wall colors to carve up open floor space. We have 3 wall colors (one of them green, in the kitchen) in our kitchen/living room.
  22. yup, always buy today
  23. you'd never know that around here
  24. st pattys is worse tho. At least people plan ahead typically for nye.
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