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Everything posted by grawk

  1. we actually got a longer run than most. It was pretty cool. And I really dig the ARM system. They're doing cool shit.
  2. That ARM system is a beast, and it’s good someone other than Cray or IBM is at the top, honestly. Keeps them on their toes. I’m hopeful that I can continue to be employed working on summit for a few more years at least, and maybe stick around long enough for whatever the next wave of HPC will be.
  3. I appreciate their dedication to their beliefs
  4. Have you considered a float pod? https://www.superiorfloattanks.com/evolution-float-pod/evolution-float-pod?gclid=Cj0KCQjwudb3BRC9ARIsAEa-vUspMpFtcBkInaZ6HducW0c6Bp8AHR70Y5LRX5yrwirBVwFNYZcu_q0aArSYEALw_wcB
  5. before and after pictures
  6. smoking some grass fed meatballs for lunch
  7. Spatchcock chicken and grilled corn
  8. that's not a dutch oven
  9. that's not crazy huge on your wrist, I wouldn't worry about it.
  10. https://www.nextplatform.com/2019/11/22/arm-supercomputer-captures-the-energy-efficiency-crown/ ARM doesn't have to be low end, and apple's put quite a bit of effort into the platform...GPUs can easily do the heavy lifting.
  11. Reverse sear prime ribeye And grilled corn
  12. Étouffée
  13. Behringer's been making fantastic products for years. And a mini Moog for $250 is a no brainer. I bought one of the first batch, it's a blast. Certainly Behringer is more reliable than Mackie or Arturia these days.
  14. Behringer model d or neuron
  15. that's stunning
  16. not much of a reader, are you? You've used 636kb of your 500kb attachment limit. Upload it to an image hosting site, and link to it.
  17. replaced the diverter in my shower, after it broke right as I got in for my morning shower.
  18. I'm just finishing up a second listen. I think it's his best work yet.
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