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Everything posted by grawk

  1. Well, I think financially everyone wins on those shows, so at least there's that.
  2. Other than ripping cds and dvds, I haven't used an optical drive in years. And given that most people buy their music online and don't rip their movies, I don't see it's really that out of the question that they don't do optical drives anymore. You could have made the same argument about the need for floppies when apple abandoned them, too. And it's not just apple's optical drives that are crap. Any laptop drive (which is the form factor for a device like the imac) isn't going to stand up to heavy duty ripping duties.
  3. for heavy duty ripping duty, I'd use an external drive anyway, the drives they put in the imac/macbook wear out, and are kinda slow. Get a usb3 external bluray drive and rip away.
  4. Were you also pissed when they stopped putting floppy drives in systems?
  5. was for lunch, but I had bbq chili nachos and a chili dog at a local bbq joint. Was heart attack inducing good.
  6. I'd bet the 13" mba gets discontinued.
  7. I'm probably gonna buy either the sprint or verizon mini. I don't feel like my 3 is obsolete, tho. The lightning version would obsolete my io dock.
  8. the 71 mach 1 351 cleveland was pretty cool, imho
  9. im also like this. Unfortunately, when i don't wake up before the alarm, the alarm won't wake me up either.
  10. grawk


    http://home.woot.com/offers/shun-elite-7-inch-santoku-knife shun elite 7" at woot for $120
  11. sure, it's a scam, buy from them in a drunken stupor
  12. as long as I'm not responsible for damage, I'd gladly rent R10s, Stax Omegas, etc.
  13. very nice
  14. I know this guy in florida...
  15. hbd bicki
  16. Steelhead with lemongrass and rosemary
  17. Read the descriptions, or just try a bunch. He's good at what he does, so you taste the beans the way they're supposed to taste.
  18. go to the mayor of old town in ft collins for me, dinny.
  19. 210+16=226
  20. Aged Irish cheddar
  21. Sherlock
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