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Everything posted by grawk

  1. I'm sorry you've had to interact with kids who's behaviour you don't appreciate, Reks. That doesn't mean that your single entry sample set is a valid one. As to the question, I think it depends on what the individual kid's head size is, their tolerance for pressure, etc. We have tried a ton of different headphones over the years, and mostly, they're all good for about a month before they break, so I suggest inexpensive and durable as the primary considerations...
  2. If I had Bill Gates money, I still wouldn't buy anything with that list of features in 1 device, or anything that looked like that.
  3. grawk


    http://www.gearslutz.com/board/gearslutz-secondhand-gear-classifieds/841965-apogee-ensemble.html someone on gearslutz selling an apogee ensemble for $1000 obo. I love my ensemble, it's a great unit.
  4. grawk


    http://sellout.woot.com nikon d5100 with 18/55 for $435
  5. Maryland is definitely waffle house territory.
  6. Rocky Patel Edge Toro Maduro
  7. http://beatsantique.bandcamp.com/track/daft-punk-get-lucky-feat-charles-butler-beats-antique-remix
  8. Still, the number of enthusiasts is miniscule compared to the market for portable devices
  9. See, I think intel would prefer mobile devices to motherboards to start. Low power devices tend to not be aimed at hobbyists or enthusiasts.
  10. I'd expect it to start in mobile devices
  11. I don't think you're willing to pay what it'd take to get me to root for the Pens, even given that it would cause them to lose.
  12. I think comfort will matter more than weight for a long ride
  13. my services are available
  14. I know I don't have a bag problem. I have 2 "single bag" carryons from redoxx, a redoxx briefcase, a tom bihn briefcase, a mountainsmith briefcase, and a maxpedition murse. That's not too many, they're all for different situations.
  15. Last Call is probably my favorite of his books, all things considered, but it's a hard list to rank, because I like all of them so much.
  16. You didn't find redemption and the fisher king stuff mind bending? All the poker magic, and the magical roots of Las Vegas?
  17. It was a good pulp style read. Not great literature, but engaging.
  18. I'm sure it was a fun ride, but that instagram filter makes for a terrible picture
  19. I prefer the mini for myself as well. That the hardware is 2 years old matters exactly not at all in terms of usability.
  20. wow, you should go to jail for that, that's a superfund violation. Of course, it would have been worse if you'd done it in hoboken in an apartment without air conditioning.
  21. ok, 1) homemade chicken & waffles = awesome 2) brining chicken rather than soaking in buttermilk before frying it? You must be a yankee. :b
  22. here here
  23. outdoor pornos?
  24. the last paragraph of that article is fucked up
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