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Everything posted by grawk

  1. After losing my vintage red turbomatic somehow this morning, I am in the market for a new saddle (the cutter I was trying out REALLY doesn't work for me). So I've PM'd someone on paceline who is selling a sella anatomica. And yah, I'll do a couple of days of light work on the stationary bike at the gym this week. Basically, I spent nearly 2 hrs at "max exertion" (aka over 170bpm), and so the watch thinks I should now recover from that in order to get the most improvement for my effort.
  2. duct tape comes in red. Consider the boat christened
  3. The Suunto is telling me to take 97 hours off after that ride for recovery.
  4. Jeff and I are riding tomorrow at 10, if anyone wants to meet up. Either W&OD or Mt Vernon
  5. heh, at those prices, no reason not to.
  6. amazing, Vicki, congrats!
  7. rock on vicki
  8. grilled tritip red curry over saffron rice
  9. they just don't want you to show them up, do it
  10. cool
  11. i used to record concerts on a marantz portable tape recorder with dbx. Also had a sony and a nakamichi at various times. Still have a box of tapes that I was going to give to my kid at the appropriate time, but now I don't think he'll know what they even are. I may have to buy a marantz recorder and put it in the box with them.
  12. Mine is certainly not my biggest watch.
  13. John, I use http://www.etsy.com/listing/161176026/blackbird-shaving-soap-lavender-dark?ref=shop_home_active and it seems pretty mild, and lathers up well with a bowl and brush.
  14. I have a couple of classic gilettes I use and like. I have a travel adjustable and an older comb safety razor. I still haven't decided on blades, so I'm switching each time I shave. Right now it's between Gilette Silver, Astra, and Feather.
  15. http://countycomm.com/lawwallet.html That's what I got. Also small and not pain inducing.
  16. dinny: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200957836373
  17. grawk


    from brent: http://techcrunch.com/2012/11/23/how-to-enable-4g-lte-on-the-google-nexus-4/
  18. ah, I didn't realize she had the 11sp
  19. Vicki, these would look great on your bike: http://forums.thepaceline.net/showthread.php?t=135324
  20. I enjoyed mine, and ordered more. It was just in time, I was down to 2 days worth.
  21. I can recommend a 20 in 1 tool
  22. this wouldn't happen on postjack's forum.
  23. yah
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