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Everything posted by grawk

  1. Or ask at changstar an headfi, they'll tell you what to think
  2. I'd say "sounds good with contemporary pop and rock" would fall into the category of damning with faint praise. Especially for a $5000 amplifier.
  3. John PS1, RS1, HF1, HF2, SR225
  4. I measured well below 80 on every pair of grados I have owned.
  5. shelly, maybe set the switch to orientation lock (or off it, if that's where it is), then restart, then set it back to the alternate setting?
  6. 30 pin extension cable with a lightning to 30 pin adapter? That's how I use my ipad mini in my car
  7. I think it's fair to think CE inspectors might not know the risks associated with electrostat headphones
  8. Not unless I get sick and he's an MD
  9. My take on it is: How likely is it someone will be harmed by the amp? (Not financially) If it's likely, that's important, and should be spread far and wide. As to the rest, I'd never buy anything from anyone who has chosen to associate himself with the person he's chosen to associate himself with, but anyone else is free to do as they'd like. Since I'm not buying a $5,000 electrostat amp any time soon, it's not really a concern for me. And if I was, I'd obviously get a blue hawaii. Anyone else that wants to buy something else is welcome to do so, even if I think they're an idiot. Finally, that "rebuttal" Mr Cavalli posted is a bunch of obfuscation, misdirection, and piffle. Fuck all that.
  10. damn
  11. I hope you're adding weights to get you up to UCI
  12. the classic TJ Donkey Show
  13. I didn't specify you as one of the shills, but I don't mind that you included yourself. As to why you joined 4 years ago, who really cares? It's pretty obvious why you're here now.
  14. It's a brilliant strategy really. If you don't respond to criticism, then your forum admin has grounds to delete criticism. Compare it with threads where you have an active designer discussing his projects, then you can leave obviously false criticism to stand. That allows a double standard that is completely justifiable.
  15. I think it's pretty clear Cavalli is content letting his forum admin and his shill army handle things for him.
  16. I suggest liquid lightning mk1
  17. grawk


  18. Currawong got a "long term loan" LLmk2.
  19. It looks like they're saying there is a safety issue tho, with the lack of a protection circuit on the stax jack.
  20. holy crap on a cracker
  21. Just did 13.8 miles with my daughter in 1:15. Was a nice ride. Extended her distance by 1.5 miles or so.
  22. White Castle - You Won't Regret it Til Morning
  23. I think she's mostly done growing, and I'm definitely not upgrading it until she demonstrates she loves it. I just think she might.
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