What I generally do is to go tire rack, and read up on their reviews of tires for my car, they usually have comparisons of similar tires, and tell you what the tradeoffs are.
anyway, for the record, yes, head-case does sometimes delete posts. Mostly spam, sometimes by mistake, etc. Once someone deleted an entire thread with some number of thousand posts. It happens. We also ban people, because fuck off.
yah, I know, I listened to the whole thing. It's mostly that they drive me nuts because I remember the stupid whistles from when I went clubbing back around that time. Something that's a cool participatory thing once, and then becomes every high idiot deciding he's the show.
I've been happy with it on my ipad mini, which is the same hardware, but I'd say don't install it until you're sure you're ready to move, since you can't go back.
a good part of head-fi's value comes from the idiots with a million posts. They're seen as influencers and attract more people. Whether or not we agree with the recommendations they make, or their judgement, or whatever, it's how head-fi attracts new people. And eyeballs and influence are what matter.
Initially it was about building the brand to make money later. I'd be shocked if profit wasn't always the goal. I certainly don't remember there ever being a time without sponsors.
if anything, apple retail employees are better informed than other companies' retail employees. I think expectations get set a little high because their retail service writers (which is what they are, really) are called geniuses, instead of service writers. They can't promise apple's going to fix something, even if it's obvious to everyone they will.
Which is why I'm kicking myself for losing my failed ssd that apple will now replace for free.