I put a leg of lamb in the crock pot. Yesterday, I made a rub from smoked salt, cinnamon, rosemary, thyme, garlic, fresh ground black pepper, and dried onions, plus olive oil. This morning it went into the crock pot, 3 hrs at low, then 5-6 at warm.
replaced the ice maker in my bottom freezer fridge. It was AMAZINGLY easy. remove 1 screw, unplug 1 connector, lift out. Reverse. Took maybe 5 minutes.
It may have changed again. That's what I found 6 months ago when i got my daughter a thinkpad.
Found something: http://www.howtogeek.com/173291/goodbye-microsoft-security-essentials-microsoft-now-recommends-you-use-a-third-party-antivirus/
the barrier to entry for inexpensive digital downloads is significantly different than for inexpensive high quality 4k panels. I'd love to see great huge 4k panels cheap, I'm just not sure market pressures are there yet.
Sure, there's a market for them, but there's not enough of them to bring economies of scale into effect. You can't overclock an lcd panel into twice the resolution or quality, so they can't wink at the gamers and let them do the quality testing for the manufacturers like they can with cpus. And the GPUs are trickling down from places like my employer, so there's a market to leverage that gets the price into reach.
except the desktop market to drive it is very small. So good monitors aren't cheap. 1080p is good enough for almost everyone, until 4K movies are the standard
Did 16.5 in an hour tonight from my house to York. Went to pick up my truck I'd loaned someone. I did confirm that I can't ride to church and be at all presentable when I get there. (This was about 2 blocks from my church)