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  1. Wait! Does this mean Audeze finally managed to make a headphone that doesn't make violins sound like violas?! @Beefy: Re: “electrostats seem to have stood completely still, while planars and dynamics have come forward in leaps and bounds” — my observations from attending numerous (large) meets for several years before covid have been that no TOTL planar or dynamic beats my SR-007 (v2.5 I guess?) and Carbon combo. Not the Utopia, not the LCD-4, not the piece of shit Abyss, nothing Hifiman (haven't heard their $6k thing though), not the Meze Empyrean (though that thing is pure catnip for bassheads). They're nice, sure, and most have the advantage of not needing much of a specialized amp. But they're not nicer than the current-production 007 or the 1993 SR-Omega (which I don't have, alas, but have had the fortune to try once). This opinion is unpopular on other forums. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe this means there's a (local?) maximum in headphone quality, and various manufacturers are slowly reaching it. @spritzer: What amps do you think the measurements are coming from?
  2. amazing, thanks to you both regards
  3. Though he might just be taking the weekend off. Really curious to see where this goes.
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