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@padami appreciate your reply and the tone even more, polite as it was In case you or others lack the attention span or desire to read through all this; i'm not sure if you misunderstood me, took the diplomatic approach regarding certain situations arising from certain grey market individuals, or if you were just defending your own view, which i respect entirely. I wasn't attacking the individual preference. There just is a problem when a collective of 'expert' individuals consciously, heavily influence a certain market. And not quite pro bono either, if you get me. Most especially when said influence revolves around an oddity, rather than what one should expect from a certain company. Now as to your reply (which again, i'm thankful for) in some detail: - Confusion as to whether it's a 007 'a' or 'mk1' absolutely, i don't follow revisions with the same gusto as others. I am aware that -as is said- ideally one wants to listen to a 70xxx serial, or a 71xxx right after. I thus specified as understandably some point of reference had to be given. Apologies nonetheless. Also for my being overly general/aloof regarding my impressions of it, but after lurking for years here, i do know whom i'm addressing; and that isn't the regular posters but the irregular viewers instead looking for information (rather than what 'x' person 'advises' them to buy). Sorry to be so blunt. The headphone has some obvious tendencies and some obvious area of focus everyone has read about. Stating them again only in my own words seemed pointless. I rather i focused on what no one at all appears to be saying. - You have a point regarding driving this thing, was surprised to see just how inefficient it is. I do however have an SRX-Plus (that if i may say so, is without certain errors and issues that the final revision was left with) that has been improved even further. It can drive these headphones well enough for me to have an opinion. - We will eschew the part where i give my credentials or pointlessly attempt to convince folks i'm not deaf. The remainder of your polite reply? Only reinstates what i said myself. - If you build a system around it. Sure i guess. I can build a system around a fart, could still give a balanced outcome. Eventually. Only with such a system, nothing else would ever sound quite as it should afterwards, now would it. Bringing us back to why one would ever invest so heavily for a sole, specific Stax headphone that sounds nothing like your typical Stax headphone anyway. Sounds like a logical thing to wonder. And my ideas on that. Bringing us, perhaps, to whether, or how come it's been so praised. Enter my view. And a self-censored one mind, as one could easily jump to more conclusions, like say whether maybe, total coincidence, equipment is sold (profit) for said headphone that certain same exact people are hyping; if again, one was so inclined to think upon. My view and again, not on the personal preference. Not quite. Much obliged to the moderator(s) for allowing a voice of dissent. Expected the harsher treatment if i'm to be honest.
Got a 71 serial number 007a right in front me, price is low, condition v. good, thought i'd listen to it and eat my hat over previous statements, no ego issues for me. I maintain my original impressions.. what music are you people listening to enjoying this thing, what kind of overly bright amps/systems must you be running to have a balanced outcome with it, what kind of other, proper headphone from Stax could you ever possibly enjoy with such systems? It would screetch. Is that why you're all stuck to the 007s, as i -originally, not a new thought- believed? Would make sense. Stack some more silver guys.. Unless of course you're all into electronic, hip hop, boomboom-like music? To each their own, but if you are, then why STAX? You can get better, cheaper (and easier) elsewhere. And i'll repeat, i wanted to eat my hat. Not everyday i have such opportunities -it's really that good of a deal-. A real shame. Not for my opportunity, for what crap you (some of you actually, the usual suspects) pass as gospel to the masses. And i can say that now. Shame. As with all internet "gurus" you'll tell me, yeah; and you'd be right. Anyway, back to lurking, as i'm sure you all prefer me to
@Aspirant Audiophilei'll bite, tell me what's funny. And in full disclosure that 99,9% i've only a worthless post to expect in reply, but i came here to ask something very specific so who knows.. maybe in your infinite wisdom you possess knowledge that would indeed make my enquiry seem ludicrous. Have at it. (also, because my understanding is that you're young, are here to talk about your new 'sport' and while affluent compared to me, you lack wisdom or tact; i asked something very specific, to which i've yet to receive a reply; that includes Gepard's post, which answers neither of my two questions. Tact however dictates i reply to him politely, thank him for bothering, keep the conversation going as it where, while refraining from repeating myself)
I get the love for the 007s, but they're not my thing at all. To the extent i can have an opinion (without having heard them), i'd think i'd be needing to go straight to a 009 non-S or 009BK if i could get one. Quite a leap from my L700s Regarding the KGST, i'll have a look at it, thank you very much. Will admit i've only looked at what folks around here consider 'best', BHSE, Megatron, etc.
Since i finally registered, i thought i might as well enquire, can't hurt; Very recently finished building my SRX Plus, tip top on all mats minus the pot which is a TKD CP2500, gets a bit too steep from there What that sounds like, most of you already know, so will skip this part. Am currently pairing it with a DIY DAC that's based on an old dual PCM-63(P) Elektor magazine diagram that i've beefed up considerably. DAC as is now has great punch, bit of pompous a character if i might put it thus and is rather partial towards its lows/mid-lows; what you want as a source when pairing with an electrostatic amp and aiming for a balanced system. Dances circles around many well known DACs out there, so not changing it. Current pair of headphones are the 'old' L700s, mki. No mods. Power cabling is Oyaide Tunamis, Furutech gold-plated sockets, Furutech gold-plated distributors. Signal is also gold-plated, a Transparent Reference pair (back when they did what they promised, before they switched to .. "musical"); USB to DAC cable is also gold-plated, a Furutech GT2 Pro. Yes, stacking the gold-plating, obvious reasons given the particulars of electrostats. This should give you an idea of where i stand musically. I won't ever be able to afford a flagship STAX. No other way to put it, just can't do 5+ grand in one go. Mats however, to slowly be purchased at wholesale prices (perks of the job) and eventually made into an amp? More likely. Enters the question: With the above and with a taste for classical music (putting aside the ideal perfectly balanced system, i'd rather err towards accuracy and brightness), where do i go? - Must be something with an available layout, self-built no matter what. - Suppose required skillset isn't an issue. So a Megatron for instance is possible. - Excepting the DIY T2. What i've seen i don't like (SMDs) and i don't have the patience (or eyes) to put the work required to ammend that. Sprint Layout in my age isn't playing nicely. And is there a reason to? Will the L700s scale past the SRX Plus?
Oldie joined the community
If an outsider's view may help here; - For starters, am guessing the moderators have had a longer weekend than usual? We don't need this. It's so close to Head-Fi levels one feels.. intimidated? - A nod to @spritzerand @kevin gilmorefor having the patience and self-restraint to go through all this; again. Or perhaps the wisdom to understand that financial benefit alone dictates said patience, lol, same thing ultimately ^^ - I beg to differ on a number of things with Spritzer regarding tastes (in both amps and headphones) and as such, take his opinions on certain aspects with a grain of salt. However; if one reads first and posts later (not the other way round), one can see where's he's coming from -he's not exactly hiding his biases is he- and judge accordingly. One further reminds one's self how one can literally go to a certain Google Drive URL and download the actual schematics at zero a cost. You pay these two folks only so that they build it for you, if that's your preference. No one forces you to. Even implying, no mater how tactfully, that they're here to fool or misdirect you is as such pretty fucking retarded if i may be so bold. This goes to certain newcomers. As stated, moderation appears to have been lapsing here lately. You think that Paltauf monstrocity, on an Italian crappy chassis at that (hum hum and hum) is your amp of choise? By all means and so long to you, truly. Enjoy. * yes, i know their "quality" full well; cannot afford better for experiments unfortunately.. they are horrible. For electrostatic amps specifically? Just, no. The above to anyone concerned. I would have some more to add for Spritzer alone, regarding his approach to sales and his stance towards Stax (as in publicly or more specifically, his phrasing thereof). Being in the circle but lacking the wallet of most you folks, i am by necessity inclined to use brain cells as well as research. As time's gone by and acquaintances have occured, it seems i am not alone in having certain thoughts, regarding improvement that is, not insinuating anything of a derogative nature mind. But this being the Stax thread, am not so sure it's the place to do so I will however add for full disclosure that he's the only person i'd trust with my money; over the internet that is, sans guarantees, physical store, reps, et al.; i actually have. Are you of a different mindset? Once again, good for you. You never needed to come here and tell us though.