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  1. Thank you for the reply, guess I will go with KGSS variant especially KGSSHV Carbon May I know where I can source the PCB for them? And I also heard that several of the components for KGSS reached their End of Life / production terminated. Is there anyone here that stockpile some of these components for other members to buy?
  2. Greetings everyone! After a few years of listening to STAX setups on exhibitions and shop demo units, I finally got mine last week, SRM-212 and SR-407! They sound impressive and transparent even with my current DAC, which is a small dongle (Sonata HD Pro)! Guess I will be saying goodbye to both dynamic and planar HPs! Given that this is my first STAX setup, I have questions that I would humbly ask members here. I have read somewhere that with spacer mod, STAX L-#00 series sound quality will significantly improve. Does it also applies to older Lambda unit such as mine? I am also hoping to scale up my amp, going with DIY designs. May I have recommendations on DIY solid-state amps to build? Thank you!!
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