I have managed to score a Rega Planar 3 for about $US70 which I think ? is a good deal. It doesn't have a tonearm, but is otherwise is in good working condition.
This was somewhat of an impulse buy, as bloody usual. And I am just about to prove my ignorance of all things vinyl.
This will be hooked to a WOO 2. So I am going to need a tonearm, cartridge and a Phono stage of some sort. I am willing to spend a few hundred on each. So a few questions:-
Is the Rega RB300 a good tonearm for the money?? I have seen different opinions here and on the other site. I could be very easily persuaded to look at other options.
What is a suitable cartridge to go with the RB300 or the other options? This is a subject that I have no idea about.
I am very ignorant about what makes a reasonable phono stage and what doesn't. The Cambridge 640p looks reasonable for the money. Is the Musical Fidelity X-LPS 3 a worthy step up? All other options considered.
You will have to excuse me here but one is clueless when it comes to vinyl.