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Everything posted by Iron_Dreamer

  1. Happy belated, Jeff!
  2. I'm pretty certain I know exactly who at JHA wrote that little marketing blurb, and yeah it sure does come off sounding crass and presumptive. Oy.
  3. Yep, at the meet. He says he's coming to our next shindig if not hosting it Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  4. Look who I ran across today!
  5. Happy birthday, we'll cheers in Austin!
  6. It's a Japanese curry X-mas eve!
  7. Happy belated, Haj!
  8. Was surprised and thrilled to see this guy walk into the room this morning:
  9. Tapatalk no worky worky here either.
  10. That was f/16 on a Nikon 50/1.8G
  11. Thanks everyone! Off to have an appropriately d-_-b approved day of food and drink across LA! And happy birthday to Carl, who just received a large print of this photo to commemorate he and Bonnie's journeys to MOA4 earlier this year!
  12. And to begin the coming onslaught of photos from my Colorado trip:
  13. This, assuming it doesn't overlap with a european audio show
  14. For those of you not on FB or G+, I have posted a bunch of photos to my blog from my recent travels through Colorado. I've got a lot better stuff coming in the pipeline from this trip, so what you see is just a tip of the iceberg to give people an idea of conditions out here. Enjoy: http://www.pbjames.com/blog
  15. Hey, I had to make up for missing the official Michigan beer tour a couple years back. So I did what I could in 22 hours
  16. Thanks for coming out and providing great company, it was fantastic to finally meet you in person! Here are a few pics from that, and my travels through Grand Rapids the night before, as I now wait at FTW.
  17. Got our tix as well!
  18. Beer centric works for me! Justin is up for whatever
  19. Bummer, Tyll, get better in time for London!
  20. Sounds like Justin and I are up for coming to DC tomorrow, Jeff. Any thoughts on what to do? Dusty, would you be up for it?
  21. Cool, good to know my old D700 is still out there doing good work! The wedding I shot recently, I was able to get away with just using the Sigma 35 and Nikon 85 for pretty much the whole thing. I can see how a 70-200 would be convenient if I were doing that sort of work a lot, though, as it would have cut down on some of the foot-zooming needed with the 85, albeit at the cost of weight and lack of f/1.8. There's just something about the look of those primes for low-DOF people shots! I'll be excited to see if Sigma gets an 85 Art out at some point, as the 35 and 50 I've tried are both spectacular.
  22. Saw this while watching last night's ballgame...Thought of Al and Mikey
  23. See ya there, boys. BTW Ric, the laptop is running vastly better now after a clean install and Yosemite upgrade.
  24. I've always disliked the LR user interface, so have been using Bridge and ACR with Photoshop instead for years. Every time I try LR again, I still hate the interface, and it just feels more productive to go back to what works for me.
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