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Everything posted by Iron_Dreamer

  1. Hey, I'd be all over the 5DII if I could tolerate Canon ergonomics! The only thing holding me back from the D700 is that I know within a year to 18 months there will be a 20+mp Nikon at the same price point.
  2. Sorry to hear about that JP, but the initial prognosis for your mini wasn't exactly rosy.
  3. Looks great, Mike! I didn't know that you took the plunge also! Did you get Uncle Wilson's on-the-spot impressions? There are so many of us waiting to get these things, it's not even funny. Seems like just about anybody who's anybody ordered a pair.
  4. Great minds think alike, eh?
  5. Ehh..Justin loves In-n-Out more than that... ....I think THIS is more his speed!
  6. Happy birthday Picoman!
  7. Eh, don't worry about it, I'll just post it here.
  8. Yeah, I did a little (crappy) photoshopping to show them the size and location I'd prefer. And I am going with an outline, rather than a filled-in logo.
  9. Yay Mike! Have some fun with 'em. I made a few mods to my design order after seeing today's pics.
  10. Huh, for some reason I had always thought of the Mac Mini as being passively cooled. Guess not! Good luck JP!
  11. Yay! I'm still waiting. I don't mind too much though, as long as it means they come out right.
  12. I feel for you, Al. What a bummer! If not for the SP track record, I'd have a hard time believing this. I wonder what might happen if Mikhail set foot anywhere near the Bay Area? I don't think it would be very pretty. Dan, Al, and Neil, all waiting with shovels!
  13. I don't know where guys like you keep turning up these bizarre old headphones. At least it must be a lot more fun than waiting around for new ones to come out, eh?
  14. Alta Peak in Sequoia NP. Views from the top were somewhat occluded by thunderclouds, but still pretty nice. The picture is a view of the peak that evening from about 7000'. Wow, knowing how tight that area is, it is a miracle that nobody was hurt/killed, and that it didn't do any major property damage. Not that it is all that easy to play speed racer on that street anyway, but at least you left your NOS at home, eh? Come join me someday, eh? JP's already had a preview of what hiking the Sierra can do
  15. Hiked about 17 miles, and climbed an 11,000ft peak. Fun day, even if my feet didn't think so.
  16. That does look pretty damn nice for the price!
  17. Dew it!
  18. Jerry told me he want to have them shipped Friday, if not then, by Monday.
  19. Yep, that is what I like to use. The Corsair 400-450-550W'ers are my go-to PSUs.
  20. I was going to suggest a system, but Todd's is perfectly suitable. I've never been a Thermaltake PSU guy, but I hear they've gotten better.
  21. Granted, it was only meet listening, but I'd much rather have an HF2 than a PS1000 (assuming I was actually listening to them, not selling them )
  22. PS1000 = more bass bloat than the PS1 = bleh!
  23. I guess what it comes down to is whether or not YOU feel that "foruming" is the best use of your time at any given moment. And as others have noted, having the real-life connection makes forums like this a lot more relevant, at least for me. Unless you're Jacob, there is going to be a limit to how much of anything produces meaningful returns. I'm pretty sure I've exceeded that limit from time to time, but that is almost a necessary evil in the process of finding proper balance. I'm pretty sure that those nights I blew through in college, trying to see how many sections of HF I could have the most recent post in concurrently sure as hell could have been better spent doing something better.
  24. I personally don't have a problem having companies like that there. We learned a few lessons from it, and I think in the future we know what would need to be done to limit their assholishness.
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