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Everything posted by Iron_Dreamer

  1. DD-WRT is great. I've been running it on a Buffalo WHR-HP-54G for a few years now.
  2. Looks like y'all had a great time. Wish I coulda been there, but I spent a bit too much time halfway across the Pacific, and I've been making up for lost time. Welcome to the bowels of H-C, duggeh!
  3. Yeah, hence the world potential. Just like Oregon was last year. If we followed that logic, I guess we're in trouble, because Stanford is coming to the Coliseum again!
  4. Yep, your bears definitely look like my Trojans' biggest potential conference stumbling block this year.
  5. I've liked some Beyers in the past, though I wouldn't say I've ever heard one I'd categorize as any better than mid-fi. Hopefully, for their, sake, this headphone might change that, even if it is a bit of a ripoff.
  6. Maybe not. Perhaps Tupac syndrome will apply?
  7. Ain't that the truth, though!
  8. Here are a few of Hanauma Bay, in the southeastern (and most scenic) corner of O'ahu:
  9. That's the danger you run, getting within shouting distance of me these days
  10. Hating HF is so 2007 around here
  11. I'd absolutely believe it's at 15,000ft, based on what I saw from my flight into LAX yesterday morning. I've seen a lot of CA wildfires, but never anything with a smoke plume that large and concentrated.
  12. ASR, there's no shame at all in tweaking your photos in photoshop (aka post-processing), in fact is a vital part of making your best possible photos, IMO. Many of history's great photographers have done a great degree of their best work in the darkroom (analog or digital). Of the shots you posted, #8 is the best for me, with really nice color and sharpness.
  13. Lookin' great Al!
  14. On the way home from hiking, we spotted this:
  15. Here's one for ya: Yes, you don't need much to get by, you have music, and that is most important!
  16. Snorkled along the North Shore of Oahu
  17. Ok, I get the gist of it. It sounds much like what goes on when you bypass the windows sound processing (kmixer in W2k/XP) through the use of ASIO or kernel streaming. It's a bummer that you would have to pay for such a thing, but then again, it's somewhat part of the deal when you buy an Apple product. Anyway, at least they have this new version for a less insane price, since most people would probably only use the playback section. And unless you're making your own vinyl rips, you probably wouldn't be playing back 24/192 anyway. I would say that the Amarra setup, including the hardware DAC/ADC unit certainly sounds very good in your rig, Al. Or is that just my 4070 love coming through?
  18. Hmmm...well I've never learned much about Mac audio, but I guess this means that iTunes is not bit perfect by default? That's the only way I'd think this separate piece of software could make such a dramatic difference in sound quality, assuming it is not applying EQ or other signal processing.
  19. Maybe I'm a little late to this whole Amarra party, but what exactly does it do in software that you can't do with foobar + ASIO? Or is it just a way to use the iTunes interface, with a better back end for actual sound output?
  20. Probably only your ears
  21. Which make the Omegas no less brilliant
  22. I don't even own a gun, but I know that is a standard procedure. Don't know what he was thinking.
  23. Not surprised. If a camera company (Nikon) can't make a good P&S with consistency, I certainly wouldn't have expected a watch company to do so. It's hard to find a good P&S these days that's not a Canon, Panasonic, or Fujifilm.
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