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Everything posted by Beefy

  1. Oh, and just to confirm this 100%...... Audiocubes says they are polyethylene, which makes them a hard case? As opposed to, say, soft neoprene?
  2. I've seen people buying them from Audiocubes. I am trying to see if my local store can get hold of them......
  3. That would be nice I've previously seen a photo of the case with ESW9 and an iPod on Head-Fi, but it was glammed up for the photo and seemed to have a lot of spare room...... Mind you, even if the UE case doesn't fit I can probably tuck the accessories in around the edges and just let the IEMs float free. Sort of From the previously mentioned photo, I can see that an iPod with amp behind would be OK. But the UE case is considerably thicker than most portable amps. This might need to squish here, that would need to push there.... Perhaps I just buy one anyway, and hope for the best
  4. I've been seriously looking at these. I wonder if it would fit the ESW9, an iPod and an Ultimate Ears carrying case at the same time? My entire office/portable all in one safe place......
  5. I would think of it more this way...... The CD is digital, just like the transmission/action potential is digital. The music itself is still analogue, just like the nervous system is analogue. You could use vinyl or some phantasmagorical analogue nerve transduction, and the music/nervous system would still work the same, because the analogue end product is the key parameter. But I haven't done this stuff in 9 years, so my argument could be pretty rusty ...... seriously?
  6. I'm not even close to convinced that it is correct, unless you evoke the quantum level of single electrons or ions. The mode of transmission might be considered a form of digital...... action potentials along neurons could be seen as a yes/no, or on/off function, that cause a quantile release of neurotransmitter. But the 'big picture' of every nerve transmission is far closer to analogue. An infinitely variable membrane potential at the start of one cell that becomes an infinitely variable membrane potential at the start of the next cell.
  7. Nup. And an Aussie y1 group buy is now taking place in the DIY area as well. Maybe they just don't like you? \
  8. You know, that sounds like the exact same thing I had last week, as did my partner's father. And we're on the other side of the world Get better!
  9. That's fucked up Nate. Glad everything is 'OK' in the end......
  10. I've always found that fear makes meat extra tasty.
  11. That's a no then. Oh, and how do you like my new Dino Jesus? I think he rocks.
  12. Mate's 31st. Very hot weather. Very cold beer. Lady friend driving. Who can ask for more?
  13. Beefy

    slow forum

    The last few posts + drunk = win + ROFL
  14. Beefy

    slow forum

    (But don't tell the missus! )
  15. After seeing him blow his top earlier in the thread, it comes across to me something like the following: "HeadphoneAddict is one of the biggest tools I've ever seen online - an arrogant hack who is lucky enough to have money for good gear, masquerading as some shining beacon to inform the masses. Just kidding :p" Oh...... oh dear. I suppose I should watch my back if I ever make it to any North American meets now
  16. Stepped drill bit? But then I suck at casework, and normally get someone at my department's workshop to do the hard stuff for me
  17. So Gberg was '120' off....... lynching time!
  18. Another vote for sphincters here But I can imagine how a large installation of them would look very...... earthy......?
  19. Odd. I just did my Aus Mini Max group buy in the Amp FS section, and linked to it from the Mini Max thread. Nobody said boo
  20. Beefy

    slow forum

    That's awesome......
  21. I would love to know why he had to replace all of the transformers anyway
  22. Beefy

    Perfect pitch

    You mean savant? Yeah, kind of like that. Ties up with a whole range of personality/learning disorders like autism.
  23. Beefy

    Perfect pitch

    It might be like those weird people with insanely good memories, but very little comprehension of what the numbers mean. For example, there are people that could remember the number sequence 122, 124, 126, 128, 130...... 3406. But they completely misunderstand the simplicity of the sequence as just adding 2 each time.
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