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Everything posted by Beefy

  1. If any of you guys believe in this bullshit, I will punch you the first time I meet you.
  2. That isn't as much of a help as you may think
  3. Not that I could ever build one...... but IMHO considering cheap sockets seems a bit silly in a build of this magnitude
  4. Ugh. Who lets their ears get that dirty in the first place? Every second or third day I clean my ears with warm water in the shower, then dry them out with a q-tip or similar. Products like Audiclean are a safe bet as well.
  5. My subscriptions have disappeared
  6. Teflon/SPC wire from navships on eBay. Restocking the DIY cupboard after a move is expensive, but satisfying
  7. This post tests my faith in evolution
  8. I'll do it for half that......
  9. All of the stuff I have bought from Tom B via Beezar has been the same. He's a great guy to deal with
  10. Spent a big chunk over the weekend at the Halifax International Busker Festival......
  11. Bottlehead Forum - RE: Headphone Quickie Questions - Paul Joppa - August 05, 2009 at 11:15:53 "Each tube has its own D cell for filament power." And yes, looks like 4x 9V as well behind those.
  12. I have wood. Will be watching patiently
  13. I strongly suspect that as soon as the various stimulus band aids fall off, the prices will drop even lower.....
  14. In an ideal world, sure. But I've never seen a convincing argument that a filter actually hurts.
  15. I've heard that from people before. I asked them how or why, and to prove it beyond anecdotal "oh wow, it totally threw a blanket over the speakers", and they shut up pretty freaking quick.
  16. Are the markl modded D5000 still your best headphones?
  17. I can't actually imagine that they are that dangerous. Mercury vapour is pretty innocuous compared to organic mercury compounds. I'd be more worried about being hit by a bus on the way to work.
  18. The Hammond 1455T2201 (default M3 case) accommodates boards 6.319 inches wide, and up to 8.661 inches deep. http://www.hammondmfg.com/pdf/1455T2201.pdf Unless I have misunderstood something, it should be perfect?
  19. I noticed an option for that when I sent myself some money from an overseas bank account. Quite handy!
  20. I would argue that the quality of portable gear has shot up significantly. Never as good as a similarly priced desktop gear, sure, but certainly getting closer with fewer compromises all the time. As such, there is less inherent need for the majority to take the step up.
  21. I would tend to agree. It is just like pimping up a car. It is my understanding that for AC coupled amps such as the WES the coupling caps are pretty important to the overall sound quality.
  22. It was inevitable, for the very reason you say. Woo will make a decent chunk of change from the upgrade packs, and buyers will enjoy the warm-and-fuzzies.
  23. My underpants feel tight all of a sudden.
  24. Beefy

    slow forum

    Joke or not, oh how I wish I hadn't just read that
  25. Sounds reasonable to me
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