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Everything posted by Beefy

  1. While I know better than to make solid claims without having heard it...... your first link says essentially nothing, and scootermafia is a grade-A fuckwit.
  2. Just some further pimping for my $30 PC audio solution. It works perfectly into my Buffalo24
  3. Difficult to work with though. It just eats drill bits for breakfast!
  4. Beefy

    The Rape Tunnel

    You can be provocative and still have someone ultimately feel better or 'improved' for the experience. But that is more difficult. Provocation like this, without any 'benefit' is the easy, low road. There is no life experience or insight to come from this for anybody.
  5. Beefy

    The Rape Tunnel

    Yeah, the sheer arrogance of the guy. I truly, truly hope that he gets somebody go through who beats the living shit out of him. Even as a joke, it is in very poor taste. I'm all for gutter humour, provocative art, poking fun at everything...... but this really is just fucked up.
  6. My laptop has all my music on it anyway. I see no need for a second computer. Still $270-570 more than I feel I need to spend, plus the actual computer. I do see the value in such a setup, but I just pick my battles elsewhere. I feel that I get far better value for money spending the difference on music, new DIY projects etc.
  7. Simple cost/benefit. I don't believe that jitter reduces my enjoyment of music, or is even an audible problem in 99% of cases. For $30 I am building myself a Gamma1 USB-SPDIF converter that will give me just as much enjoyment as that $1200 sound card.
  8. Beefy


    Oooops, missed that
  9. Beefy


    Tritium is pretty innocuous, and the key part would be that it should be very easy to wash away. I used to handle tritiated thymidine quite regularly. This stuff is quite dangerous, but only because the thymidine facilitates absorption through the skin and can be incorporated into your DNA.
  10. Thanks lads, Primanti Bros was definitely worth the trip
  11. Urk! * I just finished yet another grant application, and am finally getting to practice the presentation for my upcoming conference. I hate being this rushed and disorganised for public speaking
  12. ....... duly noted.
  13. I have two and a half days in Pittsburgh for a conference at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Can anybody recommend anything worthwhile to do/see/eat in the downtown area, to get me out of the hotel? Cheers!
  14. There aren't enough 'eek' smileys on the whole internet to cover that one.
  15. Colour me intrigued. What sort of amps are people driving these with for their fantastic results? I've seen mention in this thread of GSX, BA, 0404 USB.......
  16. Check your multimeter battery perhaps
  17. That is what pulse transformers on the SPDIF lines are for - galvanic isolation.
  18. Beefy

    slow forum

    Choco party good good! What else?
  19. I'm not that lucky, sorry
  20. If anybody wants the ES9008 datasheet, PM me, and i might be able to point you in the right direction
  21. */me clicks submit* Fellowship application done and dusted. Now, where is the fucking booze......
  22. *cough*StinkingCommieBastard*cough*
  23. But surely for pre-amps in series you're talking about excess cables and associated connections...... not to mention multiple volume controls. I imagine this would be much less of an issue for stages in an amp.
  24. Beefy

    slow forum

    Heh, surely the biggest marketing fuck up that Australia has ever seen. There isn't a single person in the whole country who thinks the name is a good idea, and any notion that all publicity is good publicity is completely out the window.
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