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Everything posted by Beefy

  1. Was it the HD800 that fell flat, or the Auditor? I haven't really paid much attention to that amp, but what little I have seen was very mixed.
  2. I'm not entirely convinced the B&W is better. It makes her skin seem overly shiny and blotchy compared to the more natural colour shot.
  3. I absolutely love McAuslan Oatmeal Stout. A couple of pubs in Halifax have it on tap, but it is just as good from a bottle
  4. I think it was from the front dust cover on the bad driver, which was really loose and floppy. By gently blowing on it I could hear it 'flapping in the breeze' (this was probably the crackling noise), and I wouldn't be surprised if it was loose enough to be able to touch the front stator. I'm almost positive that dust would have been able to get in as well.
  5. Finally finished refurbishing my SR-Lambda today. They ended up getting new drivers, cable, backing foam, mineral wool, headpad and earpads...... I'm running them at 200+V bias from the Exstata, and none of the shenanigans of the old drivers are showing up. No squeal, no crackle, just sweet music
  6. Ah, much tougher decision then I suspect few here would recommend selling a good rare DAC for a newer 'commodity' item.
  7. Never heard it myself, but have seen many good things written about it compared to other options in the price range. At the very least, I'm pretty sure you could on-sell it without making a loss......
  8. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. This was my last roll of the dice, it came out perfectly, and the effort to come to Canada was all worth it Whiskey, beer, smack, hookers, I'm not picky
  9. Just found out I was awarded a CIHR Fellowship for two years of funding. Ranked 9th of 329 applicants! :D
  10. That is pretty damn nice. Shit how I wish I had woodworking skills. Big planks like that would make some gorgeous furniture......
  11. Five nights accommodation in The Big Easy, after my conference. My first proper holiday with my woman in over a year
  12. Beefy

    slow forum

    But honestly, its one of those things I joke about, because the harsh reality of the topic is just so damn difficult to face seriously.
  13. Beefy

    slow forum

    I'm really sorry, and I hope I didn't offend with the comment. Anything that goes that far is clearly just bad bad BAD. On the flipside - and without being a parent myself yet - it really seems to me that some kids really just need a good kick in the arse......
  14. Beefy

    slow forum

    The kids, or the dad?
  15. Was it pompon?
  16. I know that, but its less amusing if you correct me
  17. ??? In any case, hooray for jobs!
  18. Beefy

    slow forum

    That is fantastic
  19. Nice! I grabbed this last year...... Would have been much nicer if the green guy wasn't in the shade, but considering the crowd I couldn't be too picky.
  20. Reks: nice pics! Yeah, I can see your point there, but that is more a factor of the DSLRs being able to run off 5000 pics with no sweat. If the DSLR user was being more selective and limiting themselves to the same amount of frames as the old film photographer, I think that the DSLR would definitely come out on top.
  21. Cool little tool. It might help stop lost last few tiny little problems I have Virus scanner perhaps? I use Kaspersky which is generally pretty innocuous compared to, say McAfee, but it still seems to cause very brief stalls every now and again when scanning stuff. I have often wondered whether my network delays are because of the scanning of the network activity.
  22. In my experience, buffer size is critical. On my WinXP laptop I get the best results with a long buffer in ASIO (768-1024 samples) and a short buffer in Foobar (0.5-1 second). Any longer than a second in Foobar and things get quite bad. But if you have played around, and different buffer lengths don't help you, then I am at a loss as well...... [EDIT] Oh, and FWIW, almost all glitches that I do still get happen in relation to heavy internet activity. Any particular memory resident software that you are running that might cause system stalls?
  23. And what do you think their success rate of hitting a moving target was, compared to a modern DSLR?
  24. Indeed. And I think a lot of advanced amateurs and pros are probably used to older cameras auto modes that suck, whereas the new DSLRs in the same class nail it 99% of the time. FWIW, I'm a very rank amateur who uses program mode with my D90. I set my camera so that ISO will increase automatically if the shutter speed drops below 1/50, but sometimes increase the ISO when shooting long. In this mode I can also increase or decrease the aperture with the command dial. Quick and easy, but the camera typically makes much better decisions than I do. With respect to autofocus, the camera is much faster and much more accurate than I am, and it picks what I want to focus on very well. I can't imagine how difficult using manual focus all the time would be.
  25. Flash, I have no love for. But all other formats of proprietary content delivery that are being developed for the iPad? That does worry me. What worries me even more is that the tech community seems entirely happy with increasingly closed systems. It seems like we're taking several steps backwards.
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