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Everything posted by Beefy

  1. Also great point. All things I still need to learn about HEH! But in all seriousness, there are old settler and war cemeteries, as well as cemeteries of people from the Titanic. Moonlit night shots would be spectacular to go along with my snow and fog......
  2. Fair point I was thinking about a minute, but I had a look and the the D700 can only go up to 30s anyway, so you are right on the money. Nice. I would love to buy a tripod and start taking night shots (there are lots of *awesome* cemeteries in Halifax) but can't justify the expense just yet......
  3. EXIF info tells me ISO6400, f/2.8 and 15sec exposure. With a big arse tripod no doubt. I would have dropped the ISO and lengthened the exposure further, but its an awesome pic nonetheless
  4. Yeah, see, I'm not the sort of person who wants to screws around with something like this. I would much rather have a good/safe option go in first time round, then sit and enjoy the amp while I decide what to build next.
  5. Oh, side mounting makes sense, even if not particularly elegant. i think I will stick with the Axon that can still mount to the bottom plate.
  6. NFI. That's why I'm asking!
  7. How in the hell did you shoehorn those into the case? I think you need to show us some upskirt shots...... I'm deciding on output caps now; here is a direct paste from what I just posted on Head-Fi. I was originally going to use 100
  8. If you want to try coffee, it has to be espresso based IMHO. Percolated or dripper coffee is typically awful...... way too strong and bitter, and with no depth or subtlety. I can only recommend to try out a few cafes in your local area, and get easy drinking coffees like lattes and cappuccinos. Work your way down to espresso and macchiato once you get a taste for it. FWIW, I have a Nespresso machine. It uses coffee pods of various flavours to give a very quick, easy and surprisingly good shot of espresso. Perfect balance of price/performance/convenience for me.
  9. Things were actually OK. It was still a '1' hurricane when it hit, but damage was confined to fallen trees and huge amounts of leaves and household garbage. I was without power at home for 26 hours, and still without internet. Just checking on the safety of my cells at work now...... Thank *insert deity here* that it is a long weekend, and I can still get some weekend stuff done!
  10. Sitting at home, waiting for hurricane Earl. He's weakened, but is going to hit us right on the nose!
  11. I almost said that the reason commercial amps are more popular is because DIY amp designers can't afford to pay shills to sway the masses...... but it just isn't worth it.
  12. Well, its just common sense that you have to replace every resistor with a tantalum resistor. Not worth listening to otherwise.
  13. There aren't that many things that you can mod/improve, and certainly very few that require top panel alterations. The sensible upgrade list as I see it in order of priority is Speedball, output caps, volume pot, input connectors. Maybe headphone jack as well. So for the top panel you would only need to get the correct key location for the pot, and correct hole size for the input and output connectors. Anything more than that is probably pretty pointless from a cost/benefit standpoint.
  14. Well not just a buffer specifically...... but an amp with low gain and a very good volume control is what you could consider once you have sauced things up.
  15. Why not just get an FPE panel for it? Works out cheaper...... Crack Panels from Front Panel Express - How to Order Though I would probably try and get hold of the FPD file and get rid of the Mickey-Mouse font they use, amongst other modifications.
  16. I'm no woodworker, but perhaps a very light sand then a second coat? When I do mine, I am just going to use several coats of teak oil. Always goes on easy, and very easy to 'top up' without risking of ruining the finish.
  17. Grabbed myself a Bottlehead Crack plus Speedball. Should keep me busy for a short while! Almost grabbed a mint HD650 to go with it...... but the seller doesn't take PayPal, and I don't send international money orders to anybody - regardless of their great Head-Fi feedback is
  18. Beefy

    slow forum

    I like this version too...... Adult Swim Video : Robot Chicken : I Don't Get It
  19. I wonder whether the Nano will run the same O/S as the Touch. Would make an awesomely compact remote control for music playback from a computer.
  20. After much research I have learned a LOT, but I really am spending WAY too much effort on this when I don't have that much time and brain cycles to spare. I think I just need a mindless project to distract myself from my crappy job. So what I plan to do is build a Crack now, and a Torpedo/Sausage when it is released, to keep my hands busy. Between the two it will give me a taste of both OTL and transformer-coupled flavours. Once I've decided which flavour I like the best, I can sell them both to fund a much grander build from the ground-up. So thanks for all the advice and inspiration. I will hopefully revisit this thread in a few months......
  21. Well, the heater on the 6080 alone is dissipating 15W. And guessing up to 50mA through the tube itself, so the 3k plate resistors are dropping up to 7.5W each for another 15W, and some more heat from the plates themselves. That is an absolute minimum 30W total, before we even consider the heat dissipation from the power supply, transformer, and the 12AU7. So imagine a 30W lightbulb in a similar sized box, and think how hot that would get...... [EDIT] Actually a bit less than 50mA through the 6080, but still a total of about 25W from that tube alone.
  22. Sure, if you're crazy enough to have kids......
  23. Ooooh, dead sexy. The S5 would be my lotto-win purchase.
  24. How about somebody stapling a playing card to your arse?
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