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Everything posted by eric343

  1. No. I currently have the sub & speakers wired to the same outputs, but I need a bass-boost EQ in iTunes to make it sound something like right.
  2. PS Audio Elite Integrated stereo amplifier -- $free Polk Audio Monitor Series 2 speakers and sub -- $50 finding out the PS Audio only has stereo outputs, with no sub output -- $d'oh needing a cheap (CHEAP dammit) solution -- $ask head-case Use the PS Audio to drive the sub and get a t-amp for the speakers?
  3. The problem with the studies I've seen used to justify 'modest overweight = longer life" is that they go by BMI alone. Muscle weighs more than fat, so fit people and especially bodybuilding types will be overweight according to the BMI scale.
  4. MIT Varsity Pistol team here. I have yet to make MQS (500/600 in a match, usually in 2nd year), at which point I'll get to upgrade from a Russian workhorse to a Swiss Morini (as well as shoot standard pistol).
  5. I can't find it. I guess I'm not as lucky as you were...
  6. This I gotta try... Link?
  7. Isn't that a guy? You did say *babe* thread...
  8. To expound on this a little more... I find it incredible that I'm seriously arguing for an analogy between the American government and the Nazi Party. It makes no sense -- we have a Constitution, and we all know that this whole NSA program is going to end once the politicians realize that this is another Watergate and go into CYA / reform mode. There's no way we'll ever actually end up under a totalitarian government. That's what happens to other, less intelligent countries. Free market forces and the American way will prevail. ...right? That is, as far as I know, the way the Nazi Party came to power and the attitudes of 1930s Germany surrounding that rise. I may be and likely am misinformed -- please correct me! Tell me it wasn't just a general spirit of apathy and fear -- "I didn't speak up," quoth Niemoeller -- that let the facists take over. Because that's the same spirit -- 63%! Terrorists! -- that I'm seeing now.
  9. You're missing the point. People have voluntarily given up their liberties to a government with no oversight. They have done this because that same government has persuaded them that giving up their rights is necessary to defend the country against an outside threat, or because they were too apathetic or fearful to speak up in face of being branded 'un-patriotic.' The reason I am drawing the parallels that I have drawn is that those were precisely the same arguments used to justify the abridgement of liberty in democratic societies in the past. The propaganda refers always to "national security" and protecting the state. The labels on the Volksempf?nger radios warning against listening to foreign radio stations? "Think about this: Listening to foreign broadcasts is a crime against the national security of our people. [...]" (http://libraryautomation.com/nymas/radioproppaper.htm) The NSA monitoring scheme would be no more unconstitutional than the searches allowed specifically under the 4th amendment or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act if not for the Bush Administration's unwillingness to work through legal channels and the complete lack of justification for that unwillingness. I would be less concerned if they presented arguments for amending FISA, and I would likely not be arguing this at all if they agreed to SOME kind of regulatory oversight. Instead, the administration is flaunting the law and the Constitution in ways that I percieve to be designed such as to set a precedent for future actions along the same lines. I guess you could say it's their insistence that "The President Is Above The Law" that makes me so damn nervous.
  10. Dunno, the majority supports the new surveillance measures with a 63% majority. Not quite Hitler's 90%+ mandate in the 30s, but Karl Rove is no Goebbels and the United States (even immediately post-9/11, when Bush did indeed have that 90%+) isn't in nearly as bad a shape as the Weimar Republic. [i would argue that much of Hitler's support stemmed from the very real improvements that the German people saw once the Nazi party came to power, and the general perception that the Nazis were the lesser of two evils (the other option being Communism). A similar technique was recently employed by Hamas on a lesser scale to take over in Palestine.] While there certainly were feelings of anti-Semitism before the Nazis were in charge, the wholescale attacks on the Jewish community didn't begin until Heydrich organized Nazi supporters in plain clothes for Kristallnacht. I would also emphasize that the majority were not blind followers of Hitler as you imply -- not only did the Nazi party membership ever include more than a small fraction of the population, but a spirit of cynicism towards the Nazi administration was common especially towards the end of the war. (This cynicism was accompanied by the cowardice and apathy that kept the vast majority from ever raising so much as a strong word against the Nazis. One of the most remarkable feats of Goebbels and his Propaganda Ministry is that he kept the German population fighting even after they stopped supporting the war. I can provide citations to back that last one up, if you like.) Back to the topic at hand-- George Bush may not remain in power, but I don't see anyone arguing that he's the brains behind the Republican Party. Nor are his actions seriously moderated by the rest of the political system -- that rest is dominated by the Republican Party and its spirit of top-down control. (Chuck Hagel and recent trends of rats fleeing the sinking ship of public approval possibly excepted.) It's dumb to argue or expect that anything will ever be a duplicate of Nazi Germany. There will always be significant differences. I don't see the Bush Administration ever perpetrating genocide or opening death camps, and certainly not on the horrific scale of the Nazis. Drawing analogies between anything the Bush administration has done or is likely to do -- or the FDR and Truman administrations' Japanese internment camps -- is foolish and serves only to diminish the abject horror of the Holocaust. (for the record, I think the guy that wrote the previously linked editorial is an extremist idiot of the first order.) Choosing to see only the differences, however, will blind us to the similarities. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
  11. No, it doesn't. I'm not talking about the Jews -- the people comparing the current administration to that aspect of the Nazis are anti-immigration activists (http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=50198). I'm referring to the means that the Nazi Party used to root out "partisans" and muzzle members of the press who published things unfavorable to the Party. I believe my grandmother said it best, albeit in German -- "Listen to the BBC? You must be joking -- they shot people for that." We're not that far, just yet. On the other hand, if you compare the liberties we enjoyed just five years ago to those today, the trend is rather disturbing. And "black listening" wasn't a capital crime until Germany started losing the war.
  12. http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2006/05/federal_source_.html 1) Remember, use your right arm. Palm flat, pointing towards the ground, with the edge of your hand over your heart. Salute by swinging your arm out stiffly until pointing forwards. "Sieg Heil!" has been deprecated in favor of the English translation, "Hail Victory!" 2) Back rigid and straight. Legs as stiff and straight as possible. Raise one leg until it is at a 45-degree angle to the other (which is vertical). Step forward. 3) Nucular, not nuclear.
  13. Gorgeous pictures... that Kodak really likes light. If you have trouble with birds too heavy for that birdbath, you should call the Air Force's Wayward Helicopter Hotline.
  14. No kidding! That's impressive.
  15. Haha! Well done. Are you going to wind that wire in a controlled-impedance fashion...? do you have some sort of twisted pair twister gadget?
  16. Something I knocked up at 3AM: [attachment deleted by admin]
  17. Awesome. I love the coil -- is an inductive load necessary when you're only driving the filament? You know you need to do something about those transformer wires, though. With construction as nice as that, "haywiring" is a tragedy. Trim those wires to length and get some fancy standoffs!
  18. No cable: http://www.audiogeek.net/images/TDR-Cardas/TDR-Cardas%20Neutral%20Reference-Pages/Image1.html Cardas Neutral Reference: http://www.audiogeek.net/images/TDR-Cardas/TDR-Cardas%20Neutral%20Reference-Pages/Image2.html Compare to Risch-type cable: http://www.audiogeek.net/images/TDR-Risch/TDR-Risch-Pages/Image1.html IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT READING THE TDR DISPLAY ON THE CARDAS: The Cardas Neutral Reference cables were *too short* for my TDR to resolve a discrete reflection (the second bump you see with the Risch cables). Therefore, the absence of that return reflection should not be considered as an indicator of cable quality. This is in fact a larger issue with my TDR and cable tests -- a more technologically sophisticated TDR would be able to show us impedance fluctuations down the line. (For example, a Tektronix 1503B that I had for a few days could resolve down to the difference between the connector and the cable itself.) The ideal cable shows up on the TDR display as a peak that is absolutely identical to the original, but smaller in amplitude (due to the cable loading the TDR output). Any difference in the shape of the peak -- usually seen in the trailing edge -- represents points where the cable is distorting the signal.
  19. Hobart stick? Transportable == ReadyWelder? Or lead-acid powered stick?
  20. Locks - Upwards of 75. I'll post a picture sometime. My collection of lockpicking tools is also pretty substantive. Lasers - 180mW green, plus ILDA 40K-capable galvos, bILDA DAC in progress Camera equipment - Nikon D70 Nikon 17-35mm f/2.8 AF-S ED IF Nikon 85mm Tilt-Shift (PC) f/2.8 ED (not AF) Nikon 80-400 f/4.5-5.6 AF-D VR ED Nikon 50mm f/1.4 Nikon SB-800, SC-28 Off-Camera TTL Shoe Cord, dinky but nevertheless useful flash-mounted softbox Brand-X Chinese studio strobe and stand Photek Digital LightHouse lightbox Grand Enigma -- what kind of welder do you have?
  21. Kevin, Wouldn't the danger be from insufficient ventilation? According to my calculations, 40L of ln2 would cover a 2.5m x 20m subway car floor to a depth of 0.8mm, which is enough to just about cool the soles of your shoes. Evaporation would be very quick, though. How many liters of n2 from a liter of ln2 at STP?
  22. Yeeow. What on earth did he need a dewar full of LN2 at home for?
  23. pretzels? pff. leather.
  24. This is a fairly uncensored forum. As with any anarchic state, you have a great deal more self-determination than elsewhere. Like living in any post-apocalyptic pseudo-anarchy, though, this has a downside -- the police will not step in if you're getting mugged. You're responsible for your own defense. Fortunately, this is an Internet forum where no physical harm is possible, so your own defense is largely limited to having a sufficiently thick skin. Did someone say PORN??? Not Safe For Work http://www.hardpicsseries.com/babeq1285x/12.jpg img tags changed to url tags
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