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About bjw

  • Birthday 01/29/1973

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Limited Edition Bronze Participant

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  1. Hey all, I am flying this afternoon and am planning on bringing my portable headphone amp in my carry on bag. I won't have any full size cans, just my IEMs with me (which might make explaining what it is even harder). Has anyone had problems getting through security with one? It does look rather odd if you don't know what it is, especially when tethered to my ipod and there is a LOD between them.
  2. Just got back from my monthly trip to the local record shop, picked up: Gov't Mule: Deep End Vol 1 Gov't Mule: Deep End Vol 2 The Who: Quadrophenia Wes Montgomery Trio Beck Mutations The Best of Velvet Underground All used, paid around 6-8$ each. I went for vinyl, but found so many goodies in the used cd bin that I blew my budget there. There was a MMW (Combustication) cd that I wanted to get, but when I saw how scratched up it was (when I got to the counter), I passed on it. I was planning on purchasing the 2 Gov't Mule CDs (both are double disc) anyway - so I was psyched to find them for 8$ a pop in the used bin. -Brendan
  3. Artist: Frank Zappa Album: Live in New York (and others) Song: I'm the Slime Lyrics: I am gross and perverted I'm obsessed 'n deranged I have existed for years But very little has changed I'm the tool of the Government And industry too For I am destined to rule And regulate you I may be vile and pernicious But you can't look away I make you think I'm delicious With the stuff that I say I'm the best you can get Have you guessed me yet? I'm the slime oozin' out From your TV set You will obey me while I lead you And eat the garbage that I feed you Until the day that we don't need you Don't go for help . . . no one will heed you Your mind is totally controlled It has been stuffed into my mold And you will do as you are told Until the rights to you are sold
  4. bjw

    flaming lips

    Does anyone else find all of the flaming lips albums mix just awful? I dig the music itself, but the levels are super high and don't seem to vary much for a lot of the songs. I love Yoshimi, but the bass/keyboard effect on some of the songs sounds like it is clipping (but I don't think it is actually clipping, it is just the sound intentionally). I can't understand why they do this to the music? Sound like teh suck on even cheap ibuds. Bleh. Are the 5.1 surround sound versions of the cd's any better?
  5. I have 3 old mac power cords, from older macbooks and ibooks that either the wife or me used in the past - but then they went and switched to the magnetic one. Apple power cords aren't cheap and all of my spare funds are going to new gear (se530's, sr225's and a pico now). Yeah, I should get one, but I have crossed the budget line enough in the past few weeks that it is getting harder and harder to hide it from the wife. Why, oh why did I get married in the first place? Damn I miss the days of unlimited toy money! (and that was almost 10 years ago and I still haven't become institutionalized yet .. will the day ever come?) We are carting the family to the Redneck Riviera in 2 weeks (Gulf Shores) - 12 hours in the minivan - and then off to DisneyLand a month later. I justify all these new toys in my head as being for my own sanity. Bleh.
  6. heh, I go in to work at 6am and usually don't wake up until closer to 10am. If I don't pack my laptop bag and such the night before I will likely forget and leave it on my desk at home when I leave in the morning (or even worse, I often forget the power cord and forced to use my work assigned windows desktop when my macbook loses it's battery). This may be a dumb question, but does the amp function while it is charging?
  7. Ah, bummer. Thanks.
  8. Does the pico charge at all through the USB interface .. or is it powered when plugged into the usb interface (thus eliminating battery drain)? Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere and I missed it or can't find it.
  9. Yep have them and burned them. I have tomorrow off and am planning on spending some quality time with them Thanks again for those btw. Psyched.
  10. ah ok, thanks again grawk! I owe you a beer (or 8 ) I like the trio sound - reminds me of a darker version of cream or something. Love Woody's presence in this Roseland disc. On my second listen already... w00t.
  11. Artist: The Disco Biscuits Song: Confrontation The confrontation was a necessary act. We traded in our lives but took a million back. And in the end, it seems I get what I deserve. But for one moment's time, I wish I had the nerve. Written by Marc after he was ousted from the band in late 99/early 2000, was an Electron song before he rejoined the band at the end of 2000. Weird time for those of us following them and then not so much without Marc as part of it.
  12. Same lineup though? No rotating bassists (like the title suggests) or is it like The Deepest End? I am digging this disc moreso than The Deepest End (though I love both so far).
  13. Picked up Live At Roseland Ballroom - holy crap. Still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor after the first track. wow. Love it. So Live w/ A Little Help is as good as this?
  14. Ah ok... good analogy to put it into perspective.
  15. Ahhh... I'd love to get a few shows you taped! b&p or do you have them hosted somewhere that I can grab them online?
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