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Everything posted by WilCox

  1. If anyone wants to read more details about this bizarre crime, here's a story from a local magazine that was published a couple of months ago: The Diva - Features - Milwaukee Magazine
  2. I was just kidding about making the O2 more Lambda-like. (Thus the ) I bought a used 717 and O2 Mk1 a few months ago and agree that it's the cat's meow! Progress doesn't always advance the state-of-the-art.
  3. After listening to the Lambda series for about 20 years and being accustomed to their, uh-hum, unique sound signature, the missing upper midrange peak in the O2 was very noticeable at first. So, while I have come to accept that the O2 may be the more neutral of the two, I have now learned to appreciate the strengths of each, and regularly use both, depending upon the music and source.
  4. Yep! Putting the upgraded cable on an O2 could cure that upper-midrange suckout and make them sound like a proper Lambda.
  5. You're right! I didn't study Birgir's pics enough. http://earsp.web.fc2.com/lineup/sr404limited/sr404lsrlamp_jpg_view.htm The Stax on the right with the narrower arc is an earlier Lambda that looks like my long-gone Lambda Pro. My 404 Signature and 202 Basic have the same headband configuration as the 404 Limited. In any event, I'm most interested in seeing whether the changes to the Limited will bring any meaningful improvement to the 404 Signature.
  6. Happy Birthday Kevin! I had a Glenfiddich tonight in your honor!
  7. I meant to say "Thanks for this link!" Unfortunately, I don't have permission to correct my stupid mistakes.
  8. This for the link! The leather pads look thicker and the headband looks improved -- both good things. I ordered these a week ago from PriceJapan.com and they said about four weeks for delivery. We'll see if they come though.
  9. Something newer - MAX V1.2! It's an update of the previous MAX, incorporating the low-noise power supply improvements from the Mini, as well as relay switched inputs and a place on the board to mount a Bantam DAC and a few other improvements. There's more info on the MAX DIY forum that shows the proto board as well as TomB's comments on his and Colin's new baby: DIYForums.org • View topic - ETA on PCB 1.2?
  10. Jan Meier uses stacked BUF634's in his CORDA amps.
  11. Thanks! Great to be here!
  12. I agree with Duggeh 100%! Yes, my 4040 system is better, but not 2X to 3X better than the 2050 system. This is a classic example of the point of diminishing returns, which causes us audiophiles to pay a huge premium for the last few tenths of a percent of performance. The 2020 system is almost a steal at its price point.
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