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Everything posted by blubliss

  1. It is most awesome! Haven't even reached for the APL in months. It is easier and i have all four of my amps hooked up to a breakout cable, so easy switching for my many moods . I should figure out how to run the APL through the Model 4. That would make things easier.
  2. I got it free with the Model 4, but i find myself using PM most all all, they sound similar.
  3. Pretty sure they are in this together? Anyway, back to PM for me. Remote function just is essential from ipad/itouch. Besides, after initial impressions, sound seems pretty similar. Amazing how strong placebo is after reading impressions of something. I tend to hear what i read right away, then on closer inspection, the halo of delusion evaporates.
  4. Strangely, I was downloading this app as you wrote this post. Listening now and initial impressions are good. It does seem a bit more relaxed, in a good way, than Pure Music, which has been my go to lately.
  5. I just picked up a Touch very cheap yesterday (people selling off their free ones on craigslist). The screen seems pretty washed out compared to the Ipad. Is that just normal? Is the Ipad screen just that much better?
  6. Anyone playing Godfinger, I need to make a friend. (:
  7. The iPad is very nice, hope yours comes soon.
  8. He needed something to test the amp with, and that was the one that buzzed on that amp, so I left them. This guy didn't even look at the amp for 5 months I think. But what are my choices? Craig (Eddie Current) recommended him as very knowledgeable. I think he'll get it done just no telling when. He made the KG suggested changes now he says the tubes don't bias right?? Who knows, at least I have a KGSS here to keep me company. Come to think of it, he was wearing a fedora, uh oh
  9. Thanks, the guy fixing my ES-2 has had my MKI for almost a year now
  11. I disconnected pin 1 from the amp side of a DB25 to male XLR cable today, no hum.
  12. i'll check that out, thanks.
  13. did you guys buy your minis new or used? where?
  14. I guess I got a bad iPad, had to exchange it today. Watching videos it froze and was unresponsive until a hard reboot. There is a long thread in support forum with people having the same issue. Drove to the store and they gave me a new one. I guess that is an Apple benefit.
  15. Ok, I need some help. I have a bunch of books in .doc format in separate folders. Some books are in one file and others are broken into chapters. For the life of me I can't figure out how to maintain the folder structure with a transfer. Do I have to re-create all the folders after I transfer the individual .docs. That would be really lame. I am using GoodReader so far.
  16. I do have a display but it is large and I would like to leave it off while listening to music. Network problems? I do not have an apple router, is this gonna be a problem? I have a CradlePoint MBR1000.
  17. For now, I am using a hackintosh that does have a keyboard/mouse, but i would like to keep it headless and without these controls if possible, so the ipad would be ideal?
  18. Pardon me if this has been discussed but I did not find it. I need a remote to control itunes/amarra and am thinking of the touch or ipad. Is the touch enough or is the VNC capability/extra real estate of the ipad a real plus? Is the remote app for the ipad a touch app (not great) or does it have its own now. It's a lot for a remote but I am sure i could find other uses.
  19. Too painful
  20. Pioneers always cut a nice trail for us followers, thanks. And I paid my dues tenfold with the VRS fiasco.
  21. Easy come, easy go.
  22. Sonic Studio Model 304 + Amarra (free)
  23. Nate, he is the Antelope rep, he sells their stuff.
  24. Sorry fanboys, but it actually did not move me very much. I thought it was a bit small for web browsing. Video looked good but small again. Did not look at an e-book. For now I am safe, phew. If I get an MH DAC and a mac mini, using this as a remote would be fun.
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