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Everything posted by blubliss

  1. Thanks guys, it's my first soldering project. My friend did the soldering on the first one. We put the boards in the cases today and made a bit more progress. Slow and steady. Really glad we tested all the transistors this time because we found one shorted k216. Troubleshooting that would have been a hassle.
  2. Transformers came in today so got most of the board work completed now on #2. We may case it up tomorrow.
  3. Should you have an option for 1 or 2 PS boards for the Dynas?
  4. I think I replaced both on one side so couldn't say. It may have been the 10k.
  5. I don't need these and would give them away if anyone wants them, not sure what could be done, maybe Frank could make s case Pretty nice aluminum. There are around 30 I think.
  6. It was good to see you too Tyll Your part of the talk was quite informative. Attached are some pics of the OG (our future prez). I just wish I had your comments about Monster and Ultrasone on video. That was priceless. This was my first and probably last speaker show. It was interesting, but too many people, music was lame, and the noise was crazy. I did like a few rooms/speakers - YG, PBN, and the ones in the On a Higher Note Room. Listened to the HE-6 and HE-500 at the HeadRoom table which was really noisy, even first thing in the morning. The HE-500 did not impress me but it was hard to tell. HE-6 seemed slightly better. We were fired up on the way home and Tyll's measurements of the LCD-2 inspired us to stop by the DXC store in Culver City and compare the LCD-2 to the R10, HD800 and T1. The LCD-2 were very good but surprised me a bit. With Classical I thought they were very good, but on tracks with more bass it was a bit much for me. The opposite of what I was thinking. I guess I am just not a bass-head at all anymore and prefer less. The music and equipment were unfamiliar (Music Hall 25.2 stuff) so I would have to try them in my system to be sure, but I may pass altogether.
  7. Heading there in a few minutes, bringing the R10s and HD800s, hope to run into people.
  8. I was just about to post the above. ED sent me the same thing today. Sure glad we took the US route at this point.
  9. Another try for the first link: PEEK You have to navigate to the right area, this is the store.
  10. Thinking of these to replace the nylon on the transistors: PEEK screws These are more money: More PEEK I know KG said they were $7/each (saw these at Amazon) but at the 1st link they are only $.83 each, but you have to buy 100. Are they made differently? I am guessing the M3, 15mm will work?
  11. Yeah, you are closer then me. The only worry I would have is making the situation worse. I was thinking of going too.
  12. Not yet. They emailed back saying they would follow up. Problem is communications with Yamas is horrible, so it is not EDs fault.
  13. Someone is reporting a pair got shipped to them from Woo. I sent an email to ED to find out where ours are, to see if they have any more news.
  14. Mine are plain nylon from McMaster-Carr.
  15. Very nice! I guess I am the only one who used plastic screws, hope that will be all right in the long run? My T2 (which is on right now-lunch break) also approves of your work
  16. Common sense really isn't very common.
  17. New date up at ED Expected on: 05/31/11
  18. I spoke with the guy from needle doctor when looking for a group buy place and he was pretty down on Stax and their increased prices. He said his margins were very small and that many people returned the phones which made it a lose-lose situation.
  19. Group buy update. Even though the ED site says 5/6, I got this in an email after pressing for more info: I wish I had more precise news but as with ALL overseas shipments and especially one’s from Stax we can only get approximations for deliver. Our suppliers can only get the perspective date of May/June. If I hear of anything that changes I’ll let you know immediately! We certainly appreciate your understanding in this matter.
  20. clueless does not even begin to describe this fella
  21. Received an email today from Elusive Disc that there is potentially a delay due to demand and available supplies. Not surprising considering the recent events in Japan. Will keep everyone informed as soon as i get info.
  22. Here are some questions I asked the other day and the answers: Couple questions: * For the invoice and possible warranty issues with individual units, how shall we handle this? Do you want all the names of the 12 buyers and you could put them on the invoice and I could make copies for them, or just email it? Or do you want to create individual invoices? * The delivery date on your site says 5/6 but I have read that Japanese dealers are getting units closer to 4/20 from the 1st shipment. Does this mean we are not on the first shipment or is there a chance the units may come earlier? I am attempting to get an update to the shipping delivery date as soon as possible! As for any warranty questions just contact us!!! How’s that for customer service? We’ll handle whatever is necessary to get the issue handled! I’ll get back to you as soon as I know anything else!
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