Hello everyone!
I thought I should build Dynahi from the parts I purchased more than 15 years ago. Yes, original Dynahi. I was kept busy in decade for job or for family. Now my daughters are independent and I work less. I should use my free time in something productive. Before starting amplifier building, I made up a Tr/JFET measurement device and started measuring those devices. Since I had so many transistors, Tr matching wasn't difficult. An issue is JFET, K389 and J109, since I have only 4 pairs. Luckily all JFETs have good match within a package, so I'm talking about matching between N ch and P ch.
I read old HeadFi thread about device matching, and found that people often measure only Idss for FET. I understood that the FET's characteristic is defined by both Idss and Vgs. They are usually correlated, but not well, right? So I measured both Idss @ 10 V and Vgs @ 1mA because I read that 1mA is working condition of them in Dynahi. Unfortunately I can't find even one pair with close enough for both parameters. Some have very close Vgs such as 290 vs 300 mV, but Idss showed more than 2 mA difference. One pair has good match in Idss, but Vgs are 390 vs 290 mV, totally different. My question is which parameter should I prioritize for Dynahi input stage usage? I tried to calculate the slope in V/A, but all K389 have ca 45 V/A of slope while J109 have ca. 35 V/A and don't fit. I'm tempted to match Vgs and allow Idss gap of 2 mA... Any advise?