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Four Kneez

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  • Headphones
    AKG K1000, Aurorus Audio Borealis, E-MU Teak, Koss KSC75, PhilPhone, Sennheiser HD 580, Sennheiser HD 6XX, Sennheiser HD 800 S, STAX Lambda Nova Basic, STAX SR-007A, STAX SR-404LE
  • Headphone Amps
    Bryston BHA-1, STAX SRM-717, SuSy Dynahi
  • Sources
    miniDSP SHD, Soekris dac1541
  • Other Audio Gear
    Apple AirPods Pro, Etymotic ER4XR, Moondrop Blessing 2, Apple HomePod, JBL 305P MkII, GedLee Abbey

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  1. You were probably looking at the older Google Drive links, which have the permission error. The new links are in the comment I sent.
  2. Have opinions of Wells changed over the years? For reference, here are some photos from their website of the Commander tube linestage preamplifier, Headtrip II headphone amplifier, Cipher tube DAC, and Dragon tube headphone amplifier. They appear to still be using Bybee purifiers...
  3. What makes the L500Mk2 preferable to the L700Mk2? I heard the L700s at a show and enjoyed them quite a bit, but I haven’t had a chance to hear the L500s yet.
  4. X9000 has been hard to get ahold of even at shows. Only one at CAF, and it’s paired with an LTA Z10e. For what it’s worth, reviews here have been very positive. I only spent a few minutes with it and would’ve preferred to run it on something like the BHSE which was also at the show, so I’ll refrain from giving impressions.
  5. They have a Carbon and a Z10e at their booth.
  6. Is there any chance these end up at CanJam next week, since HeadAmp and Woo Audio will be there?
  7. I was able to pick up an old Dynahi a few months back. Even though it still operates just fine, the chassis is pretty beat up and the internals are quite a mess, so it's mostly been gathering dust on the shelf since it arrived. However, I'd like to start using it again, and I think it deserves to be turned into something nice. Would anyone here possibly be open to repairing it for me? I'd want to work on it myself, but I'm currently swamped with work and am also coming up on a career change. So, I won't have enough time to sit down and really focus on it until well into 2022 at the earliest. Edit: Someone is helping me work on it.
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