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Everything posted by nor_spoon

  1. Waaaay to late, but nevertheless: Happy Belated Birthday!
  2. This friday, I went and saw Ane Brun, a Norwegian artist. Her performance totally blew me away! Simply fantastic, she has an amazing voice, and are just as good live as her studio recordings, not often to come across. Bought her album "Ane Brun - Live At Stockholm Concert Hall", which I urge you to listen to/watch if you are into this kind of music. This double album also contains a DVD of the concert. The recording is really great sound wise, and I was surprised how real it sounds through my headphones, compared to the live show. Very, very good. While the sound quality is excellent, I really wish the image was in high-def. A couple of her videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4AmkD0xnp4&feature=related
  3. Maybe a bit late(?), but nevertheless, happy birthday to you ironbut!
  4. Nah, takes the fun out of it...
  5. Did he post here too? I managed to read through his post on the other site, and even though I only understood about half of what he wrote (I gave up using Clue after the fourth line I believe lol), it still was a quite fascinating read
  6. Not at all. I do not really see what the problem is. Importing is certainly not a pain in the ass, at least from my experience. Just as easy as buying anything locally on the net. You find what you want, pay, then wait for the delivery, what's the problem? The only problem I see would be if you had to send the stuff back again for one reason or another.
  7. Hi Deadneddz. It would be interesting to know your opinion on the HD800/Zana Deux combination.
  8. ...and the fuses. If you insert them in the right direction.
  9. Here you go: Light, OTL amp, and Grados.
  10. Awesome! Congratulations Icarium.
  11. Ahem... Why did you get your ass whooped? Because of your bashing of a headphone you haven't heard? Ok, now bury me...
  12. Hey, hope you had a great time all. Looking forward to impressions
  13. Hey, what a surprise! Happy birthday tom_hankins, and thanks to all!
  14. Stan Getz and the Oscar Peterson Trio.
  15. Bob Marley & The Wailers - Survival. Brilliant and uplifting. Gotta love Marley!
  16. HD800 HD650 RS-1 HP-DX1000
  17. Kari Bremnes - Live (2007)
  18. I will try to keep my goofy impressions short: I really like it in my setup. Had to grow on me for a while though, coming from the HD650. I am sure they have changed quite a bit with burn in, for the better that is. They were edgy and tight almost sibiliant. I don't think they are bass shy. Ok, compared to the HP-DX1000 they are, but imo, the HP-DX1000 is way too overpowered in the bass, at least in my setup. I feel that the HD800's bass is sort of "right", more articulate and tighter than the more bloomy and undefined HD650. I also like their transparency and the less in your head soundstage. They itch a bit after a while, the fit of the 650 is just as good, after I adjusted the horrible clamp. Even though I don't particular fancy Diana Krall, I enjoy listening to some of her stuff. "Temptation" from the album "The Girl in the Other Room" sounds fantastic on the HD800.
  19. Congrats with your Zana Deux! It sure is a beautiful piece of amp. Both visually and sonically I have ZD #64. Enjoy your amp, and happy tube hunting if you go that route. I had a blast, learned a lot, but of course ended up with waaaay too many lol! Oh well...
  20. Oh damn, I see you already got your guitar. Congrats! Looks like a nice choice. The best thing, they only get better the more you play them! That is quite fascinating.
  21. My advice is to: Try to place the fingertip just behind the fret, and use only the pressure needed to push down the string to get a clear tone. Try to press down as straight as possible, using only the tip on your finger. Relax your hand, and try to play as effortlessly as possible. Paradoxically I think you will need quite some strength to be able to relax though, but it will come with practice. Listen to each note. Let it ring while listen to it. Could be a good idea to sing it too. Just relax while doing this, and let the note come to you, take your time, do not force anything. This will help you "open" and develop your musical ear. You can look at playing an instrument as almost some kind of meditation, or you go into a different state and place while playing. You will need to develop quite some technuiqe and know your instrument first though... But keep in mind. Just look at some of the musicians with who plays by heart, e.g Neil Young when performing, you can see the "empty look" and that he is totally into his own musical world I could probably go on for a while, but last, try to sing a note, e.g. an E before you touch your guitar first thing in the morning, without having heard any music that day. I believe this will also help you develop your musical ear. And last but not least, HAVE FUN! EDIT: eh, I see I did not exactly answer any of your questions though lol! Nevertheless, I think they are good advices. Guitars are really one of the things that you get what you are paying for. If you don't know anything about guitars, take a friend who knows to check out what you are about to buy. There are lot of "junk" out there to kill the fun of playing. No matter what level you are, everyone deserves a good instrument. You will learn faster, you will be more inspired, you will sound better, because the instrument will be better to play, hold its tuning, have better woods etc... Second hand could also be a good idea. If nicely used, you can get a lot more guitar for the bucks compared to a new one, and if you decide to sell, you won't lose any money. Ok, enough from me, roger and out.
  22. I enjoy mine too, I think they play well with the Zana. At first, I was like meeh... thin and edgy, where's the musicality... but with break-in they have mellowed down and smoothened out considerably. Actually to the point where I hope they don't continue. 100dBA for some hours did good. Either that, or I fucked up my hearing, maybe a combination... Either way, I love what I am hearing.
  23. Well...almost the last thing. No digital harshness there
  24. I am sure SAA laugh all the way to the bank... Wonder how they will look after a couple of months use...
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