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High Rollers
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Everything posted by stevieo

  1. thanks viki. nightwounds, nevermind.
  2. grawk, that too. but, if you start with enough natural briquettes in an egg you can dampen the chimney daisy wheel & the bottom damper & go for a good many hours before having to add more coals & readjust the two dampers. if i need to add more coals i use one of those cans with a handle & fill it with natural briquettes & put newspaper under the coals to start them up & add from there as needed. it is not precise as you say and it is a feel thing. good smoking is an act of love & a little practice. it is not too difficult to master in short order. for me it is a lot easier than using a webber. cheers, O
  3. i have only made pizza because i detest shitty pizza. wood oven bread should be good too due to the moisture factor. i used to use three tan fire bricks from a local brickyard to make a pizza stone level with the rim so i could just use a peal to get the pizza off the stone. now, egg makes a plate lifter for plates that severs the same purpose. buy an egg baking stone & set it on top of the lifter thing & it will be at a peal off level. the temperature is easy enough to set by controlling the daisy wheel on the chimney & the damper slide at the bottom. be sure to calibrate the dial thermometer that sets in the pin hole in the front before you use it.
  4. agile, the egg is the only way to go if you are serious about the sport of cooking out of doors. it is a worthwhile investment. it is cheap amortized over a lifetime. buy a pos every couple of years & get crap results or buy an egg for a lifetime. it is so simple to operate that the food cooks itself. put it on take it off. it even has remote control thermometer that wakes you when you are snoozing. the temperature control is simple & the food quality is beyond compare. it is a much better oven than the one in my house due to the moisture retention. cherriO
  5. +1
  6. i wish. i blew my kids' inheritance on legal fees in a law suit.
  7. have your accountant email you the pdf file.
  8. in this economy 010's are king.
  9. superb post. thanks.
  10. it ain't that sweet but no worries. check those tubes 1st before using them! i hope it is not you ha-2. i never had a tube problem blowing a driver with my ha-2 but i have had noise issues with the amp not the hd-650. check your 650 with another amp to rule out a driver problem.
  11. Boomana!!!!!!
  12. i destroyed a 650 driver but replaced them both to match. they are very easy to remove & replace. if shaky decrepit me can do it, anyone can do it. come to think of it. i have the spare original working driver if you want it. it is the entire ear cup assembly. cancel your order or return it for a refund & send me a pm & i'll mail it to you. just take off the band, the back cover & ear pad, snap in the new assembly & voila.
  13. screaming oranges, thanks a mil for posting the english manual. only the japanese manual was in my box.
  14. that's what i use & i am completely satisfied but it is single ended not balanced. impossible to find telefunken tubes took the rkv to a new level & so did a total k1k recable by thrice with stefan audio art equinox.
  15. i never know from one day to the next. my plans always seem to change beyond my control.
  16. i happen to like the stuff from newer tech available at macsales.com here is a link to their eternal drives; http://www.newertech.com/products/externalhd.php
  17. thrice you dog. you had to pick i date i am away! intentional? drop by before the 8th if you need to borrow anything.
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