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Actually I think you're right. I don't expect any significat changes. In spite of that I will wait the whole 300 hours period that STAX USA mentioned. Just to be sure that the 727II is the crappiest amp ever made. I can not imagine how such a company like STAX can build, sell and even recommend such a horrible thing.
About a month ago I've posted here my problems with a SR-007Mk2/SRM-727II system. Now the stax saga continues: Trying to diagnose the problem I sent my O2mk2 to STAX USA for evaluation. Yesterday I received an email where they claimed that the headphones are OK. They also recommend me 300-500 hours burn-in for them. So I eliminated one of the possible reasons for the horrible sound of this stax system. Now I'm on the way of eliminating the other - the insufficient burn-in period (only 80 hours till now). I want to ask the owners of Omega2mk2 if someone has noticed a big improvement after the proper burn-in?
do you have it on your computer?
Has anyone tried to better this thing ? Any ideas?
It's more often here in Sofia ( Bulgaria ) to have LESS than the mentioned 220V, not 230V+ My transformer is up to 200W. I can get a DIY 220->117V transformer but would it ressolve the problem? So what do you suggest for my 727 spritzer?
But can the insufficient voltage (110V or less maybe) result in decreased sensitivity of the phones?
But the electrostats just can not be so bad...
I didn't listen to my dynamic setup for about two weeks. Since then I began to like the Omegas. But today I decided to compare the two. The result is explicit superiority of the k701 system. In every way. At every music. No compromise. More realism. More cleanness. Acoustics sound more natural. Voices are REAL. Orchestral music at the omegas is muddy. This is the only word that can characterize it. Muddy. So can anyone direct me: What's wrong? A deffective pair? A deffective amp? More burn-in (about 70 hours untill now) ? Insufficient voltage? I use 220-110V transformer. Can these 7 volts missing do such a damage? This is not an issue of personal preferences of a sound signature over another. There is something wrong.
To add something interesting to this part: No matter wich recording I listen to, if there is a vocal part in the song it remains smooth, clear with well defined highs and pronounciation. The vocals stay like applications on the muddy indtrumental background. What could be the explanation? Sometimes this fact causes me to think if the omegas' reproduction of electric guitars ( for example ) is more precise and this is how they must sound. What if we are accustomed to the more harsh, pleasant but incorrect sound of the dynamics?
You confirm my conclusions for the nature of the electrostatic amplification. I must try some well built DIY KGSS. There was a hope I can avoid this.
After 65 hours burn-in the Omegas began to show what they are capable of. Their speed is incredible. I love it. The detail and instrument/vocal separation are better than any other headphone I've listened to. BUT there are some problems and I'm inerested if further burn-in can ressolve them. I'm not sure whether these are insufficient burn-in issues or a matter of proper amplificaion. 1. At more complex signals like loud orchestral performances or all heavy metal/hard rock music the sound becomes muddy and mellow. Opposite to what it supposes to be. It makes such kinds of music unlistenable on this system. 2. I still can't accept the unnatural peak in the treble. And there is no any tendence of smoothening. 3. The soundstage is much smaller according to the k701. Is there any chance to get wider? 4. A "headphony" coloration at some vocals and solo instruments is noticeable.
As i said in another thread maybe it's not a dislike but the great expectations for a huge difference which I had on the electrostats Now I see their advandages - faster sound, better instrument/voice definition, a lack of "decay" of sounds ( I've never supposed such a thing exists ). I begin to appreciate them. And I like the advantages they give me. There remained two things that embarrass me: A slight hiss in the upper frequencies ( briefly 10-11kHz? ) and a hump in the upper midrange ( upper range of female vocals, piano or clarinet for example) but there is a possibility of a source problem...
I use a modded Corda Prehead 1 and Cavalli Lavell Mk1 ( not mine ). The k701 need A LOT of burn-in ( at least 200-300 hours ) and then they become totally different headphone - faster than any other dynamic, open, with GREAT soundtsage, absolutely effortless and naturall. I'll never sell my k701. It will remain my reference for dynamic headphones ( well I've never listened to R10 or Qualia ). I hope the burn-in will do the same to the Omegas as it has done to k701
I really don't want to go over again my complaints from the head-fi forum two days ago. I wanted to know if I'm missing something about the "electrostatic sound". Obviously no. I'll wait for some more burn-in
Untill now ( 20-30 hours of burn-in the O2 ) my dynamic setup totally exceeds the Omegas. The electrostats are more detailed and fast but the soundstage and the naturallness of acoustic instruments and vocals are much better at k701, it's overall presentation is much more live-like. I don't know what to think...
In many threads concerning electrostats I come cross opinions that "you must get used to the electrostatic sound" and suchlike... Now I'm in a process of exploring my new Omegas. So can anyone explain what are the peculiarities that we must get used to?
No one. I don't mean a brief listening of 727II but a more detailed comparison. I've noticed that one term listening can't give me the complete picture of one component. It depends on many conditions - technical, psychological, etc. Often the first impression is quite different from my final conclusion...
Untill now I read only severe negative posts for SRM-727II. But I still can't find anywhere concrete opinion what's the problem with this Stax amp. I see most people own SRM-007tII, SRM-006t and even SRM-717 but not the 727 How many of you had the opportunity to compare 727II with another amps?