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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. ...with a midrange. Alas, most of mine are two-ways, otherwise I'd take you up on that experiment. Dali's, for one, or not intended to be listened to on-axis, they are intended to be pointed straight ahead, and listened to off-axis slightly. I think it's manufacturer-specific.
  2. Yes. Don't know.
  3. I think they upped the push/marketing on them, as I just read a review of it, hence my necromancy of this thread.
  4. Miles Davis, Birth of the Cool I know everyone points to Kind of Blue as the Miles Davis album to have, but the thing is, he was seminal every step of the way. This belongs right up there with Cannonball Adderly's Somethin' Else as defining cool. Never has a title been so appropriate.
  5. They're not that new. And 2006 wasn't that long ago. Yes, those post dates are real.
  6. Jesus, they're turning over the whole kit-and-kaboodle.
  7. I rejoice.
  8. Hey now!
  9. Depends where the button is, but if it's a more important button, I can always shuffle them around, and replace one of the less visible buttons. I don't know what kind of jacket it is, but sometimes they sew extra buttons on the inside towards the bottom or near a pocket.
  10. Vicki? Jude? Mike (tyrion)? Tyll?
  11. My dumb what? Or did you mean, "you're dumb"?
  12. I think you should go to the jazz concert and yell out old Kinks titles as requests. Play "You Really Got Me"! Play "Lola"! Play "All Day and All of the Night"! etc.
  13. No, I meant the 880's -- I mention the 770's elsewhere in the same post. Which would explain why a closed headphone isolates better.
  14. Pretty good, better than the DT880 & the MDR-7506/-V6, not as good as the DT770 or any IEM. Probably close to the CD3000, but not quite that much (I don't have it with me, so can't compare).
  15. Most of my heroes are assholes, but not all of them (Edward Ka-Spel is one of the nicest people I've ever met).
  16. Hey, I'm serious about that button -- post pics of the jacket, preferably with close-ups of the remaining button(s).
  17. Closed or open? Closed: Audio-Technica ATH-A950LTD are the ones I find myself coming back to on a daily basis. Open: Meh, I don't know, you're on your own.
  18. There's a guy on another board who lists it as one of his favorite horror movies of all time. I can't argue with it, but for me, I still need some more time before it makes the list, y'know? But yeah, it's the best one I've seen in recent years. That build-up in the first half could have been a great movie all by itself, but then they just crank up the intensity like ten-fold.
  19. I'm with Biggie -- it's still dumb.
  20. The Descent was amazing -- best atmosphere in a horror movie since Alien.
  21. Yeah, but didn't you see that episode of House, M.D. where the girl broke her toe and it was leaking marrow into her bloodstream and making her sick? I mean, I realize it's TV, but still, isn't that sometimes bad?
  22. I just noticed this. (There was a small review in one of the British magazines.) Being a big MF fan, I may have to get this.
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