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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I don't get it.
  2. 's'truth. Ultra-nerd, aye.
  3. So does core memory. Look up "hysteresis loops". And that's why SSD counts as "both", and what I was referring to when I mentioned hybrid technology. Still doesn't count as storage, and he still meant "hard drives are cheap" when he said "memory is cheap", since he wasn't talking about core memory or SSD.
  4. It's volatile. It has to be reconstructed every time you reboot.
  5. storage But I really need to get back to work, so get to your point already. What is it you're trying to say? That the two are easily confused? You're reaching. The examples you've been citing have been at worst, the fringe, and at best, hybrid technology. But the point was, you meant long term non-volatile storage -- I.E. hard drives -- not memory, when you said memory. Yes, memory is cheap, but so are hard drives. I admire your fancy footsteps, but you're not exactly dancing with the stars.
  6. Persistent memory, used as storage, so "both".
  7. It's a file -- I.E. when it's on a disk, it's a file on a disk, and when it's in memory, it's a file in memory. It's a mechanism for accessing more memory than you have by swapping pages to disk. Next. (I'm a computer scientist by vocation and by education, so I can do these all day.) EDIT: Done in my own words this time.
  8. It's not a hard drive. It may be non-volatile, but that doesn't make it a hard drive, or even a hard drive platter. The difference isn't just non-volatility, it also matters how much you can store on it. I mean, we were talking Terabytes when the subject came up for inspection.
  9. Well...he did say it was a pet peeve...and in his defense, it is wrong. My mom would always say, "could you make me a copy", instead of, "could you make me a printout" or "could you make me a hardcopy". It's kind of wrong like that. Oh, and @ "...follow the thread...". This is head-case, y'know.
  10. Alas. (We need an alas smiley -- like a smiley with the back of his hand to his forehead.)
  11. I haven't heard an Opera Analog, so can't say for certain, but yeah, the amp would probably be the best way to upgrade. What cables are you using?
  12. I like your thinking. And I can do that. EDIT: I should also bring some trash can lids and some metal folding chairs and some drills and hammers and nail guns and a compressed air gun.
  13. He makes "fuck yeah" movies, so yeah, totally, unabashedly, unashamedly, fanboy.
  14. No, it's the one where Buffy and Angel lock themselves in a hotel room for a weekend and play Scrabble for 72 hours straight.
  15. Yuppers.
  16. This is the best way to watch it. Some of the crossovers consist of a character leaving the show at the end of Buffy, appearing on Angel, and then disappearing, in time to reappear on Buffy by the next episode. You have to watch carefully, though. The one towards the beginning of Buffy s06/Angel s03 when he finds out she's been resurrected is particularly clever. My favorite is "Fool for Love" (Buffy)/"Darla" (Angel).
  17. No, I remember your post, but at that point, I was still under the impression that it was never coming out, so I just assumed that it was Amazon packaging the 5 boxsets together, not an actual, legitimate boxset. I missed the word "boxset", I think, as I don't remember you phrasing it that way.
  18. I've been meaning to visit there...
  19. I love that commercial. Total Michael Bay fanboy here.
  20. Aye. When the L did that Angel boxset come out? I've been pissed off that it didn't appear to be coming out ever, and then it gets put out like months ago (10/07, according to Amazon)? Why didn't anybody tell me? And here I am with a $25 Visa giftcard burning a hole in my pocket. Thanks for the heads up on it being on sale, Stephen!
  21. A case of honey (no, I'm not making mead -- I just use a lot of honey, and it looks like Bloom stopped carrying mine).
  22. Are you talking new? And I presume you mean audiocubes street?
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