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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Thanks! And I missed your other post the first time through -- without even doing further research, I think I understand it, and if I do correctly, then that's brilliant.
  2. Is there a "report-to-moderator" link in PM? On second thought, he sounds dumb enough, you can take him. A simple, "feeling threatened?" might suffice.
  3. You're dark.
  4. Pffft. My cat's fixed, but it ain't repaired. I must have a JenaLabs cat.
  5. I don't know about multiple DAC chips in parallel -- the only thing I've heard about is dual differential DAC chips -- so I wouldn't mind an explanation of this, neither.
  6. Oh, okay, it just sounded like -- hmmm...after taking an inventory, everything else except for THESE 4 CAPS is accounted for. I guess I'll go post a IC and see if anyone...oh, hey, look what we have here...
  7. Zooey Deschanel has blue eyes.
  8. Cats can't be repaired.
  9. Actually, I feel kind of left out that they haven't. Them and Monster. I'm going to change my name to Apple Monster. Or Monster Apple.
  10. Well, that's alright for you; I'm just sayin', it's not alright for me.
  11. They're open source, they can't sue. It's probably their code.
  12. Alright, that's just creepy.
  13. Yeah, but that dark side of the moon/light side of the spoon doesn't do anything about the sound. The gold-plating, however, makes it go faster.
  14. Yeah...too easy.
  15. Really? Yeezh. I never knew that before. I liked the look of the thing up until now; always hated the Neon, though, what a piece of underpowered crap. So: I apologize for the affront. Consider it retracted and then some.
  16. No, I meant, what kind of Jeep is it (one of their models is a Compass).
  17. No, I really don't know. Didn't mean to be mean, it's more a reflection of my ignorance and/or lack of reading comprehension if you've mentioned it already. If it's any consolation, the end pic did look pretty sweet.
  18. What is that, a Compass?
  19. I think the SDS-XLR is essentially two SDS's. The Maestro is something different, although you can also get that in -XLR configuration. Don't ask me what the difference is, though. This might help, though. Then again, it may just overload your circuits.
  20. Yeah, the Beta is great, I intend to have one some day. When Stephen let me listen to his (6 board version, but I don't remember if it was maxed out with black gates or not) -- using the EMM Labs single box player and W3000's in 4-connector mode, I felt like I was listening to the CD -- not the headphones, not the amp, not the source, but mainlining on the source material.
  21. Planars, huh? Good luck with that (it is my understanding that those need room).
  22. You should probably also go through this list some.
  23. I think the only part of the process that entails the cat is the Kopi Luwak portion. Therefore, only IEM's and buds. Until she gets a bigger cat.
  24. Jesus, people buying high-end speakers and amps and headphones. I think the last pair of shoes I bought were $12, and the last non-shoes purchase was some $2.99 Corningware uber-mugs. Hey, boom -- you wanna outsource your non-soldering and breaking things to me some? I work cheap for you.
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