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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. No, they don't isolate worth shit. Yeah, I'd recommend the Beyer DT770.
  2. http://www.head-case.org/speakers/cheap_active_speaker_recommendations-t3574.0.html http://www.head-case.org/speakers/powered_speakers_or_keep_my_amp-t3309.0.html http://www.head-case.org/speakers/computer_speakers-t2374.0.html My personal suggestion: Quad 11L actives, then skip the integrated, and think about getting a source that has variable out, like the Cambridge Audio 840...c? I forget.
  3. Wishlisted and wishlisted... And WRT: Mia -- first of all, I didn't know they had a chick in the band. And: I bet she plays bass. (wanders off, looks it up) (buzzer sound) -- WRONG!!!1! Choirs of the Eye is amazing; I ended up finding Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue relatively disappointing, so I only ended up listening to it once -- I should listen to it again, I remember not disliking it, just not finding anything like "The Antique" or "Manifold Curiosity" on it. Did you download the live version of "The Antique" from their site? Is awesome.
  4. Maybe you can use it to get IE7 to get my spoiler tags to work correctly in IE7.
  5. Also, you can arrange them in a combination of in series and in parallel to fine-tune the load that it presents to the amp.
  6. Is this where we sign up to be on the waiting list to purchase the Menace? Is that better?
  7. Final 1000i? When you use multiple drivers, each driver has much less "throw" for the same volume, and therefore stays more linear. Have you ever heard a good line array? Still one of the best listening experiences in my life was to hear a Nearfield Pipedreams system. Also, small irregularities in one driver get balanced out by all the other drivers.
  8. Dusty Chalk

    Markl Mods

  9. Yeah, if you look at the used and new section, you'll probably be able to pick a new pair up from one of the two vendors offering them at US$210 after CanJam if you still want.
  10. Mercury kills? I thought it just drove one mad. Hey, KG, why don't you "accidentally" send them the uranium? No, there's the fallout...never mind..
  11. What kind of headphones is it wearing?
  12. I wanna hear it first.
  13. Dusty Chalk

    Markl Mods

    Thanks for the impressions. I, for one, would be interested in hearing more. What "non-toy" amp do you have?
  14. Oh, that's attractive -- for someone as in love with the color brown as I am with black:
  15. Zen question: Does markl get brownie points for not being as big an asshat as morph201/dogfish, or fewer demerits?
  16. Now he's trying to make nice -- backpedal backpedal backpedal deny everything admit nothing backpedal backpedal backpedal some more -- instead of all that backpedalling, wouldn't it be more efficient to just go away turn around and go forward? http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f21/jenalab-recabled-r10-319613/index26.html#post4133643 Hmmm...might it be the PM, perhaps? And the lies? Oh, and yeah, there's a winky after "decent person" -- how appropriate.
  17. I'm a big fan of Focal. Even the Diva sounded pretty sweet. I was offered them for US$3K once, and I didn't realize what a deal the salesman had offered me. I wish I had had the US$3K for them at the time, though I think I had just bought the Dynaudio Special Twenty-Fives.
  18. Yeezh -- a functional alcoholic? That would explain the rage... (I'm not saying that all functional alcoholics get ragey, but some of them do, and now that you mention it, his sudden bouts of rage do seem like that of a functional alcoholic.)
  19. I love passive-aggressive people. They have to announce several times that they are leaving a thread. And when they stir shit up, and it they start receiving the predictable response, they declare the thread a "train-wreck" as if it has nothing to contribute. Someone feel free to post on there that a lot of good information has come out of that thread, just not to his liking. And just because things didn't turn out the way he wanted them to, doesn't mean it's a train-wreck. Oh, and that bullshit about him only being like that when he's drunk? I don't think so -- he's obviously always like that. EDIT: I just read a couple of the posts around p. 25 -- OMG, Earl is totally on. I love the cat pics.
  20. Okay, so he's like KG junior, then? Except without the uranium and without the same amount of unobtainium?
  21. Shouldn't he get a MOT tag unless he explains why he is involved without being involved? That smells like either "shill" or "fake account" to me. Oh, and yeah, I thought we figured out that Morph2001 == Dogfish a long time ago.
  22. Thanks! And I missed your other post the first time through -- without even doing further research, I think I understand it, and if I do correctly, then that's brilliant.
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