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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. I might get those stands. I might combine them with the foamy things. I'll have to look into them further. The big selling point for me is that they're open, and you can put things in there -- be they amps, or just miscellaneous crap like boxes of tea -- right now, mine are sitting on reams of paper, which allows for nothing else to be placed there. The Harbeth "house sound" is different from the Dynaudio "house sound". Dynaudio is more "American", whereas the Harbeths are more "British". I've been told I would love the Harbeths, after describing what I would be after in my next set of speakers. I don't know how much the BM5A's follow the Dynaudio "house sound", though, since they're designed as monitors.
  2. I <3 this thread. Harold kind of looks like Ivan. Yay for a fellow retarded cat owner! Awesome pic. Of Tommy and Willy, which one is the goof (in the pic)? I like how it's a typical family pic where you can't get everyone just right at the same time.
  3. I use 12L actives in my office system, and it is most awesome. It needs a sub, though (not for extra bass, but just to fill it out).
  4. I just thought of another one, and it's curious because I'm not the only one who stopped where they stopped: Orson Scott Card, Enchantment -- me, my sister, and my mother all stopped at pretty much the same place. It kind of drags a little bit until it gets going, but once it gets going, it really gets going, and the funny thing is, we all stopped after it got going (without spoiling too much, once the bear is encountered). Really good book, BTW.
  5. Well, the 'watch series lends itself to stopping and starting more, since it's "episodic".
  6. Joke response #1: Looks photoshopped. Joke response #2: Did you clone one of them for the other 4? Joke response #3: You match your dogs like you match your tubes. ("Dogrolling" -- LOL.) Joke response #4: I would have named them: Harry, Barry, Gary, Larry, and Nathan Jr. (or perhaps Leon, Pris, Rachel, Roy, and Zhora, if I had five cats). etc.
  7. Very cool.
  8. No. I am a voracious reader. Like you, I tend to finish a book if I start it. There have been few that I haven't finished, but those that I haven't, I have well and truly gave up on...erm...given up on. There are books that I have found more harrowing to finish than others, they take longer to finish and I tend to take a break from reading after I've finished them. But I do finish them. Dante's divine trilogy -- at the point where the angel warns you not to continue reading if you aren't a believer, I stopped reading. Yes, I really did heed her warning. I think if I ever made a movie version, I'd portray her as a dominatrix, and Dante as a willing submissive. Atlas Shrugged -- jesus fucking h christ, that woman can wax philosophical. I think she did the writing equivalent of forgetting where she was in the story. Those are the only two that I can remember not finishing. Re: Barker -- even though I cited him as my favourite author for the longest time, I used to think he didn't know how to finish a book. I used to think his endings were long and wandering and winding and that he lost his path. It wasn't until I more recently read his book, Coldheart Canyon: A Hollywood Ghost Story that I think I finally got him -- he writes his books as if they were a sexual act between the writer and the reader. The climax doesn't come at the end, the climax comes before the end, and everything that follows is resolution, so -- like a good lover -- he takes his time with the resolution. At least, that's my theory. It ends up making more sense. PS Irrespective of whether or not you agree with my theory, finish Imajica -- one of my favourite books by him, along with Weaveworld. PPS I just looked on wikipedia, and it looks like there's going to be a third book of the art (Great and Secret Show, Everville). P^3S I'll probably finish Dante's trilogy despite her admonishments, but I'll probably read the whole thing again.
  9. Momus Trombone Quartet - Kondo, Koji - Super Mario Bros. (Arr. Clint Woltering) - Free MP3 Stream on IMEEM Music@@AMEPARAM@@http://media.imeem.com/m/BddAX2edUj/aus=false/@@AMEPARAM@@BddAX2edUj
  10. Mine had her own thread, but they're basically just links to my videos (she's the four: "What I Wake Up To" [1 & 2], "Ceiling Cat's Perspective" and "Luvbug").
  11. Dusty Chalk


    Is there a game for Appleseed? We watched Ex Machina recently, and I thought there was (it's safe to say that based purely on the visuals, there should be), but can't seem to find anything.
  12. It was meant to be self-deprecating humor, but if you have a guilt complex, I can't help you. No, seriously, if I was putting words in your mouth, I'd try to find some way to let you know, like quote you and change what it said.
  13. I'm white. So I have a stereotype to live up to.
  14. !!! Moar details, please.
  15. That would be the most awesomest office rig evar!!!1!
  16. I don't understand your leap from "I'll need at least a preamp" to "might as well get an integrated". Other than that I agree with everything. Yes, it would be superfluous to get actives if you're getting an amp, but I don't see why you need to get an amp. A preamp will do just fine. That said, if you're bent on gettting an amp & passive speakers, then by all means, get an amp & passive speakers. I was just offering an alternative that I thought would provide good value. I think you should buy them and tell us if they're any good. There are several Quad L-series speakers owners on this forum, both active and passive, and I think all of us are happy with them (with the possible exception of the guy who sold his, and I think he was happy with his, he just upgraded to something a lot better).
  17. Maybe it makes more sense with the quotes (I modified your post, Earl, to show the quotes -- I think I got it right, let me know if not, and I'll fix it -- was the second one from Morph/dogfish/megaloholic?).
  18. http://www.m-audio.com/index.php?do=support.faq&ID=56db3c36a93a984b77cdbe0e270fa298
  19. Oh, that's right, it had digital inputs. Oh, well, something else then, and they're not even really necessary -- there are volume controls on the Quads, just not easily accessible.
  20. I should have said: linkies? I did understand that it was parts, but that's not beyond me.
  21. So was it still holding a charge before you connected it to anything?
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