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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. The Tannoy Prestige line have high sensitivities, IIRC. linky (about 1/3 of the way down the page). There's also the JBL K2 S9800.
  2. "...listening to dynamic headphones...", or "...listening to just dynamic headphones..."? Because you can pry my L3000 from my cold dead hands.
  3. They had the Cavalry one last week for $189 -- should I have posted that? I will, next time.
  4. Welcome to head-case, sorry about your thin skin. And this.
  5. This thread makes me wish there was a rule that would allow me to close it due to its "agonizing pointlessness". But alas, we do not. Carry on.
  6. Alright, I stand corrected, I might upgrade to a ER4p if I ever start listening with any frequency again.
  7. "Adding more bass" sounds nice, but can't that be accomplished with an amp? I kind of don't want to ruin its detail retrieval (I.E. I do not think it is too bright).
  8. I love my er-6i, the only thing I'd possibly replace it with is another one...in black (I bought a white one when I didn't know they came in black).
  9. Etymotic ER-6i.
  10. Multiple CD's as backup, yes, but not as redbook.
  11. Yeah, I agree. If it was only one application, I wouldn't have any problem recommending something like that, but I would never run games on it. It's a simuloader and a bootmulator (bootater?).
  12. Yeah, there's a whole "team" of us who don't believe in application-specific headphones at all. Now, matching headphones to amps and cables and sources and so on, that's something else entirely, but yeah, I believe that all music should sound good on my headphones, and they usually do.
  13. It's stevieo, and he's here, he just doesn't post much, just shows up in pics at meets in the "Where's Waldo?" style.
  14. Buffy comic Omnibus Vol. the fourth.
  15. You know, sometimes we have to try headphones for ourselves to hear what's wrong with them. I disagree with pretty much everyone about the sound of the GS1000's I've heard, even people who agree with me about disliking them.
  16. You're not alone. Is the Denon true DSD? I heard the Pioneer wasn't, but I know I prefer my early Sony to practically anything else I've ever heard, except for the Denon.
  17. Uh...no it's not, there's this thing they have, called Boot Camp. Linux has something similar, I forget what it's called, though.
  18. Justin, you're showing your age. Your young age. Now these are old toy commercials:
  19. Well, it may have had a lot to do with the level you listen to. When amps max out, they start to compress before they start to distort (it's actually the same thing at different levels). When they compress, it'll still sound okay, except things will start to blur together. People like you definitely need multiple drivers, because most single-driver systems (headphones, single-driver speakers like Lowther-based speakers, Quad ESL's) don't go loud well. IIRC, you don't like Quads either, so...QED. At the levels I listen to, I have no problem hearing things I've never heard before. (Wait, that didn't sound right...)
  20. Okay, how about Team Relatively Minimal. Team Truly Minimal is absolute -- pretty much no-one on this board qualifies. So what's the point of discussing Team Truly Minimal? There is none. So, let's put a term to what boomana is trying to put her thoughts to, basically, someone with only one high-end rig, and maybe one portable one. Thoughts? People in Team Truly Minimal would describe us as "Team Insane" and "Team Went Broke First". (That'd be me -- I'd have every rig under the sun if I could afford it, I think that's pretty much the only thing that differentiates me from someone who has [or has had] one of everything [i'm looking at you spritzer, Fitz, elephas, Tom, Earl, tyrion, et al].)
  21. Thank you for saying what I wish I had said. Yeah, was in the midst of rethinking that part, and I have to agree. Home rig only. Nice! Once people realized they could get them in black, they stopped caring about other colours.
  22. You know, there's something to be said for beautiful gear. And that is: are you sure you weren't just mesmerized into thinking it sounded better?
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