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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. OMG, that is so awesome.
  2. Uh...why didn't you just keep them, then?
  3. It looks like he was clearing his desk at the beginning of the first video. All he's doing is confirming that they made the right decision.
  4. They're not fugly. Jesus, have you seen the Jecklin Floats? Or the Ergos? Or even the iGrados? These are black, normal looking headphones, nothing more, nothing less. No, I'm not getting a pair.
  5. Yeah, that's a whole 'nother thread. (Although the HE90 is obviously what the author intended.)
  6. Yeah, that's how I did it when I was unemployed. Unfortunately, in the DC area, that means you spend 99% of your time worrying that someone is going to run your ass over.
  7. Three of the greatest smilies in all of creation smiliedom.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm2BdCbZkKY
  9. Shit, that reminds me -- I need new tires. They were supposed to be 70K tires, but I only have around half that. Didn't align them, didn't rotate them enough, didn't take care of them at all, so in my case, it's my own damn fault. Your look like they're completely worn through on the inside, so I presume you didn't see anything, but didn't you hear anything? Or was it overshadowed by your car stereo?
  10. Or maybe YouTube broke the "embedded video on any other site than YouTube.com" portion of their code. Because it still shows the right video 'n' stuff, it just fails at the end.
  11. Yeah. Weird, if I copy'n'paste the URL, it works just fine. Hey, Todd, did you break the embedded youtube stuff?
  12. Jesus Zombie Christ, you just posted that video, and it's already gone. So what was it, an electronic press kit or something?
  13. I like my DT770's. You guys just don't know what to put in front of it. Don't know anything about the Darths, though. My comment is regarding stock only.
  14. Well, there's the Dynaudio Air series, but I got the impression this wasn't studio monitor stuff, this was home high-fi stuff.
  15. Someone should sell a DACless CD player, "signal so pure, it doesn't even convert it to analog."
  16. I had a chance to hear the iGrado's straight out of the iPod recently. They had no iBusiness sounding as iGood as they iDid. It's still a stupid name, but they sounded surprisingly good.
  17. Now that's what I'm talking about.
  18. They really ought to offer the lower-priced plans upfront, I don't understand why they don't. Case in point: prepaid. But yeah, the warning to get the right plan is probably a good one.
  19. Okay, I'm getting these next: Yes, now I am just fucking with you.
  20. Uh...actually, it's more than three -- I have several others already. The ones I already have are mostly for daily wear, these are for special occasions. Not, break-out-the-30-year-old-vintage special occasion, just a when-I-feel-like-it special occasion. I doubt I'd wear them to a metal show or industrial show or anything like that (read: biker bar) -- not because I'm worried about how I'm perceived, but because I'm afraid I'd mess them up. They were limited, so I wanted to get them before they ran out. (At least, the two black ones are limited. They're constantly changing styles anyway, so it wouldn't surprise me if they discontinued the purple one, too.) So, to synopsize: one word answer -- choice. And thanks hungrych; obviously, other than me, you are.
  21. Hey, man, don't go there. Jada would look good wearing anything and nothing.
  22. No it doesn't. It's all in how you wear it. If Will Smith were wearing them, do you think that's what they'd be saying? I'm not saying I'm Will Smith, heck, I'm not even Tommy Lee Jones, but it has less to do with what Will Smith looks like then how he is. I mean, maybe you're latently gay, and that's why your mind goes there, but it didn't when I bought them. Loud != gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
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