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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Well, why don't you download VideoLAN and see if it works there (it's a multi-platform app, inc Windows), because from the looks of things, VLC4iPhone is just a port.
  2. I would think conversion to ALAC would be relatively painless. And if you want to learn how to program on the iPhone/iTouch, I'm sure you could get it to play FLAC disk images. FLAC, itself, has already been done -- I don't know if that includes disk images (it usually doesn't).
  3. x2. I mean, yeah, Obama is different from McCain, but they're both rich enough in money and poor enough in morals to run, which rules them both out as choices for me. I wish we could find a way to resurrect Einstein and put him in a place of power. I'd be behind that benign dictatorship in a heartbeat.
  4. Stereophile blog entry Google
  5. Dogs in Elk -- dates back to 1999, but it's the first time I read it.
  6. Lightning storm outside. Pretty. The bass is visceral, and the top end is a bit muffled due to the glass...but I can live with that.
  7. I wish I had a pendant for bullshit. A protective pendant.
  8. Did someone order seconds on the Roasted Tkam? My condolences.
  9. You do realize that's not the way it works, right? I mean, you might get ahead for maybe a day, but after that, it doesn't matter how far ahead you were, you still need regular sleep. Well, good luck with that.
  10. Oh. Well, never mind then. (I thought it replaced EDGE network, which it does, but that's not the same as Wi-Fi, which is what it uses.)
  11. Aw. Congrats!
  12. Dude, they're probably going to follow up the iPhone 3G with the iTouch 3G -- I can't imagine why they wouldn't, although it wasn't announced.
  13. 40% coupon for single CD's at Borders -- including Borders.com -- "valid with Borders Rewards membership only", alas.
  14. Shamelessly so.
  15. I understand, and agree. As an example, if I may be blunt -- it's the chance you take when you adopt a pet with a shorter lifespan than you have. (I.E. me and Luvbug. I know she's going to die before I'm ready, but that's not going to stop me from devoting everything I have to her.)
  16. I have to agree that I'd love to see Devo live at some point, too, but I think the best chance I got is Devo 2.0. If we're going to go fantastical, I would add: Heifetz and Hendrix.
  17. Pretty. I'm going to just pretend it's a magnesium-based napalm.
  18. Ditters on both.
  19. Jesus, what is that, a plasma blowtorch?
  20. Or howabout not at all?
  21. Peter's Purple Chicken and couscous. (Peter's Purple chicken == marinating it in red wine while raw, then cooking it on the George Foreman grill.)
  22. I think you meant, 'Knights Templar' -- the Knights didn't own a templar. Paraskavedekatriaphobe.
  23. My condolences.
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