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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Home-made. Because then you know exactly what blood and sweat went into it.
  2. Actually, I think they're saying go ahead and take showers, wash dishes and clothing, and for god's sake, flush the damn toilets. They just want you to boil it for a minute before ingesting it, I believe.
  3. I don't know, your melon looks healthy and ripe in that pic.
  4. LOL, I hope they put it up as is, just like everything else they do.
  5. But we need to stimulate the economy.
  6. Actually, I like both the G08 and the DT880.
  7. I don't know, those look pretty colored. Cyan, to be specific.
  8. Yay, I found out we're not affected. My housemate sent me this link, saying that only the pink area is affected. That makes more sense once you see the bigger picture.
  9. A rim job on the Metro.
  10. I have to admit, I'm not looking forward to the next couple of days.
  11. I believe the LEDs are orange (or "is", not sure how many there are). I believe there's also orange on the inside.
  12. Dryel.
  13. I hope you did that from home. You know about the water problems we're having, right? Jesus, no showers for three days? I'm going to be rank.
  14. Yeah, but the problem is, there's this thing called something like the Intarwebz, and a lot more people know the value of something, so they get snagged up for flipping purposes pretty quickly, any more.
  15. Yeah, I agree, that's probably a better way of saying it.
  16. I paid retail (I.E. somewhere between the two).
  17. Yeah, that's what I thought. Krell's website on the KID
  18. But why are you sticking a region specific voltage adapter in your ears?
  19. Can you do something a little less good next time? I've got "Aqualung" stuck in my head now. Aqualung, my friend, Don't you start away uneasy, You poor old sod, you see it's only me...
  20. So I was reading a review of the ElectroKID in a recent issue of HFN, and they said that the Krell is one of the few docks that takes advantage of the fact that the iPod actually has a the requirements for a true balanced line out (I.E. both regular and inverse signals). Is that true? Do any of the DIY cable makers take advantage of that fact?
  21. Headphones for peace!
  22. It's actually worse than that -- you don't get to see the actual new threads until you click on "new posts" again. So what I do is go back to the home page and start a new search (it's essentially a dynamically generated set of search results). If you want to bookmark anything, and keep revisiting the bookmark, I would bookmark do=getnew (note: don't go to the link and bookmark that, it auto-rolls-over to the search results, bookmark that specific URL -- I.E. if you are in FireFox, do right-click->"Bookmark this link").
  23. I've never paid much attention to lyrics. So: pfff. That said, if you want literate lyrics in a hard rock or metal band: Blue
  24. Yeah, I have their entire catalog. IMHO, it's not as good as Neon Golden, but I'm still getting it. My "golden line" is 12, Shrink and Neon Golden. The first two albums (Nook and the self-titled album) are much harder and, IMHO, not worth getting unless you're into garage and heavy metal. Make sure you hear them before you buy. Incorrect. FYI: the new Hiromi, Beyond Standard came out last week as well.
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