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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Dusty Chalk

    magic jack?

    Thanks for the report.
  2. Did they do stuff totally from the album? Covers? Any zep? Plant solo stuff? Anything from her back catalog?
  3. Well, no, I don't mean that I'll be listening to it while toting, I mean that 'while toting', I'd be worried that it would receive damage, making it useless during the before and after toting sessions. 's'truth.
  4. No, not really. Unless you know of a cheap, small one, I don't see that as being particularly totable. I like grawk's other idea of a video adapter and a dock, especially since I'm probably already getting an iPhone. I mean, yeah, I have access to one for setting up, that's not the issue. The issue is the "while toting" part.
  5. Me, too. I joke about our family: basically, my one sister moved as far away as she could -- the other side of the world; my other sister moved as far away as she could, but stayed in the country -- California; I'm the only one who hasn't gone that route yet -- perhaps I should start training to be an astronaut?
  6. Alright, so back to this, I am heavily leaning towards Mac Mini + Apogee Duet. The main reason of the Mini over a laptop is I fucking hate that noise that my DAC gets when the power control software throttles the CPU speeds. The downside is that for this hypothetical totable system, I would need a screen. Anyone have any ideas? I was thinking something like the i-glasses. link of examples grawk -- can you control a Mac Mini without a monitor with the iTouch (and, of course, an iPhone, which I am probably getting next January)? Also, having recently started using a Mac -- is there a quick solution to the compatability issue regarding external USB drives between Mac and Windows? I couldn't get the Mac to read my USB drive, but I have to admit to not having investigated very hard (computers were networked together, so I just moved the files over that way).
  7. I'm not a lawyer, but it might also give you better grounds for demanding the entirety of your money back, if he doesn't fix it right. It's in his best interests to fix it right, I think.
  8. I'm just bragging. I moved back in for the last year before I married, too. And for the same reason.
  9. I moved out at 16.
  10. No, it wasn't a stupid move on your part -- I was considering getting a RAM modified Oppo at one point, so will be curious how this turns out for you.
  11. Did you see where it was already $155 for me? There's no way they're lowering it for me.
  12. No, he has a job, so he has to be at least 16.
  13. Well...I don't know about black (the press release says, "stage blue"), but...yes, the way I read the press release, they're basically non-white K701's...with detachable cables. I.E. designed for us musicians and studio mavens (and, yes, wannabes) who abuse the shit out of our gear. Oh, and: argh, they're not black enough.
  14. Yeah, snot cheap. I think he's 17. Aye keed, aye keed.
  15. Weird that they show the headphone cable disconnected from the headphone? At least they're not using proprietary Sennheiser connectors. And I think it's mini -- it looks like a full XLR on the huge pic, until you compare it with the rest of the headphone for scale.
  16. I demand melon shots.
  17. They're not toilet iPod white, huzzah. Whoa! Did you see they have a replaceable headphone cable? Mini 3-pin XLR, looks like.
  18. This is what we currently have, before the shakeup: ...I have a feeling it will become something like: I'm tempted to take it up to 20/20, but there's no way I'm paying for 50/20. Heck, even if I don't do anything, I should get throttled down to half as bad as previously. That's still pretty good.
  19. My first question would be to ask if you have an issue with background RF, in which case I would recommend going shielded. And yeah, I would definitely recommend going from one of the people offering here, since it has a semi-proprietary connection on one side (what is that, an SVGA-type connector?...yup, it's a 15-pin D-sub port, looks like); that way, you can bypass having an extra connection you don't need. Extra connections == bad.
  20. I use Thunderbird on a daily basis at work. It's fine: It's an email client, and it's not Outlook, and that's good enough for me. Todd -- that reasoning doesn't work on me -- they don't like me to keep my email on the server; they haven't upgraded that server in years.
  21. God's floss.
  22. I really need to look at upgrading to unthrottled FIOS.
  23. What do you mean, they didn't perform? They sent you back an item unmodified?
  24. Mostly black Invicta through woot. I probably should have passed, the thing is only 1mm smaller than my ultra-uber-huge one.
  25. Mostly black watch...but it is an Invicta, so I may get it anyway...
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