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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Or, perhaps it was a double-positive (like a double-negative, only not so negative).
  2. I wouldn't do that. Hirsch still uses his HEV70 once in a while.
  3. No, she just means that one guy named 'Will' will. The real typo was the question mark at the end.
  4. Awesome, you're showing us a picture of your wife, in a "what did you do today?" thread. Ah, to be young and in love again...
  5. To me -- the frequency response is fairly roller-coaster -like, especially in the midrange and treble.
  6. You're not the only one -- I laugh every time I see that name, too. There's: Garden of Shadows Torture Garden Garden of Earthly Delights ...and, of course, Hoegaarten, which is German for Ho-Garden. And now, for my next translation, Die Frau ohne Schatten -- the woman who hasn't had her shots.
  7. Home: Work:
  8. Rogue is my personal favorite. Dead Guy for a nice (relatively) light ale; Mocha Porter or Shakespeare Stout for something more...wintery...they have a little more heft. I think of them as the "chocolate" and "Tootsie Roll" of the beer world. PS This does not fall under the "Belgian exotic" category.
  9. Yes, please do, thanks. Even at $330/$480, it's not unreasonably priced, depending on its performance, so feel free to post long-term impressions as well.
  10. It's more a function of gain than watts.
  11. No, iron good (at least, that's what I thought). When it comes to something like that, though, design is more important than what it contains. Oh, and: hey now!
  12. Pfff. /me not a Krell fan. If you're talking greater than 3 digits of watts, I'd go Musical Fidelity kW. Or less -- I'm perfectly happy with my A308CR (250 -> 8, 450 -> 4).
  13. I'm not much of a fan, myself, but there are several people here who'd be interested in the new... Watson Twins And I, myself, am interested in the new: Stereolab, Venetian Snares, Todesbonden, and Anthony Rother, as well as the IAMX, of course. There's also a new soundtrack from Danny Elfman (Wanted) and Lykke Li
  14. iron vs. not iron
  15. Yeah, I have to admit -- I doubt I'd wear it 8 hours a day. Of course it is -- with music that was recorded for reproduction on speakers (I.E. most of it). The only exception would be binaurally recorded music, and that would have a more natural soundstage on headphones (vs. speakers), but that's the exception, not the rule. For most of the music I listen to, soundstage is nonexistant -- neither headphone nor speaker -- so I don't care. Most of the time.
  16. Didn't realize even Depeche Mode did this: "Love, In Itself"/"More Than a Party"/"Pipeline" is another one I probably wouldn't want to split up on MP3.
  17. Actually, it sounds more like the DT880 Pro to the DT880 Home version.
  18. Actually, that was pretty well said. Nice to hear that you're happy with your gear.
  19. As expletives, my sentiments exactly.
  20. Ah, the ol' In N Out, eh? (nudge nudge wink wink)
  21. How's that going, how many hours do you have left?
  22. That's not saying much, considering you could fashion an ebony replacement for it. Or purpleheart heh-heh.
  23. I'd be interested in a Blue Hawaii group buy.
  24. Flatter?
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