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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. They have red screws? They have colored screws? Hmmm...
  2. You need to check out some Pink ("There You Go"/"You Make Me Sick"), Kylie ("Slow"), and Annie ("Chewing Gum").
  3. I'll sleep it off. If my colors are still changing in the morning, I'll go.
  4. Stayed home, sick. Finished one book, started another, read some more on a third. Played with my kitty. I'm going to go out and get some orange juice.
  5. I don't know, I got a case of The Rock last week from someone I met in a bar......&c.
  6. Now that's a specialty shop.
  7. Would you buy used Quads or Martin Logans (assuming you'd buy them at all, which we've already discussed, you wouldn't)? I'd just be too worried about shipping and stuff. And yeah, obviously I'm exaggerating a little bit about the whole used speaker thing -- 3 out of my last 5 I bought used. But in all cases, I found a way to assure myself that they were in the condition in which they were described (either by prior inspection, or by reputation of the seller). But really -- electrostats? Would you buy used electrostats (unless you knew the seller or were able to see them for yourself)?
  8. Yeah, me neither (on the bumps, not about not finding any pair uncomfortable). And then I looked at the pic and wondered how could I have missed that. I wonder if it's psychological -- people look at those bumps and think, "boy, those are going to be uncomfortable", and therefore, they become so.
  9. I thought this thread was going to be about birds flying south. Go advanced.
  10. Yeah, that was what I was trying to impress. What, used? I don't think so. Speakers are probably lowest on my list for things I'd buy used, and ribbons and electrostats would be lowest among speakers. I mean, maybe if I knew the buyer, and was somehow else confident as to its condition, but other than that, no.
  11. It's too bad these are just a wee bit too big
  12. There are several of us on this forum who own speakers from Quad's L-range, and we're all pretty fond of them. I don't think any of us have anything as small as the 9 (I don't think anyone here owns anything smaller than an 11). (yeah, yeah, "that's what she said", uh-huh) I have zero experience with the Totems, though I've heard they're good. Just get them both and sell the one you like less.
  13. I thought the L's came in both active and inactive passive...?
  14. Yeah, short answer: very. Has anyone heard the relatively newer reference series from Quad, specifically the 2905?
  15. Actually, I bet well-amped ribbon-based line-source speakers would give That Sound. Like Apogees.
  16. You know they reintroduced the CLX?
  17. Curry actually sounds like a good idea. I might try that.
  18. Not sugar -- then I'll just get a sweet-and-sour sauce.
  19. So I made a second batch of Peter's Purple Chicken, only this time I used a white zinfandel (Frey), almost a rose'. I tried to make a rue with the leftover wine (+ flour + butter), but it turned out a little tart. What can I add to combat the tartness, any recommendations?
  20. That was pretty cool of them.
  21. FTFY
  22. To be fair, when comparing notes with others to whom it wasn't their favorite -- we didn't always agree on the roller-coaster aspect.
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