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Dusty Chalk

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Everything posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. Nice pics, thanks.
  2. Trio, Deluxe Edition A friend of mine asked me, jokingly, "what did they do, add more Da's?" As a matter of fact, that's exactly what they did, amongst other things.
  3. Is there another thread I should be reading? Because I'm not seeing a whole lot of 307A impressions in here.
  4. Two bottles of Nantucket Nectars' Half-&-Half...which makes, what? Whole-&-Whole?
  5. That's going to give me nightmares.
  6. Yeah, but the mono is pretty much guaranteed not to be pitch-corrected, neh?
  7. I wish I understood French: Hancock 300 parody
  8. How long were they warmed up when you heard them? They sound really good once they've "woken up". They may not have been fully charged. When they sound good, they should sound very resolving. IIRC (it's been several years, at this point), yes, congestion was one of the symptoms of not being fully charged. Someone with more and more recent experience should confirm or deny.
  9. What about the hockey players?
  10. Only because the expensiveness of obtaining it is offset by how expensive oil is (or will be). That doesn't make it right. I mean, cannibalism isn't food, but as you run out of food, your fellow passengers seem more and more palatable, right? That doesn't make it right, right? Ever? At the expense of raping the planet, I don't think certain drilling will ever be worthwhile -- we need to start working harder on alternative means of energy, and more efficiently using oil as it is (fuel cell technology, hybrids, etc.).
  11. We're going to run out eventually, anyways -- we might as well start looking for alternatives now. Prices are only going to go up.
  12. I know what they're usually used for, but usually, the image is larger than life -- the particular shot looked like he was just multiplying the number of images people saw of him -- struck me as kind of narcissistic. "Hey, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me!"
  13. This thread has 'fail' written all over it.
  14. Am I seeing that correctly -- he's got video projection screens...of himself?
  15. Where is the, "why should I care?" option? Yes, there are people like this in the world, no they are not worth our attention.
  16. Are they math geeks because they end their user names in numbers?
  17. Actually, I had zero problem getting to sleep -- my immune system must be working overtime, sapping all of my energy, leaving me exhausted.
  18. Stayed home, sick, again. Had intended to see both Wanted and Wall-E, but was going to have too many coughing fits to be able to enjoy it. Slept. Ate. Had coughing fits. Shaved my head (lots of it, not all). Had more coughing fits. Took a nap. Am going to spend the rest of the night wondering how I'm going to be able to get to sleep, because now I'm up.
  19. cold sesame noodles (comfort food)
  20. Yeah -- you really don't need a Comp. Sci. degree to be a programmer -- taking a couple language classes should be sufficient. You really only need a Computer Science degree if you're going to be a computer scientist -- which, like, 1 out of every thousand of us really do. I happen to eat this stuff up, and it sounds like you might, too, but when anyone asks me what I do, I just say "computers...programming..." and don't go into the details unless I'm pressed, because I do know that it's boring to most others.
  21. That is correct.
  22. I actually really like the special effects in space -- they remind me of watching real astronauts when I was a kid. That and the fact that you can't hear rocket engines in space add a sense of realism and charm to the show.
  23. Meh, you're right. AMG had an incorrect release date. I've posted a correction. 4ad.com has it correct (I would presume). So say we all, samich, so say we all. Unfortunately, at this point, I don't think they'd have it in them -- too much time has passed, too much experience writing orchestral music, too many brain pathways burned in differently.
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